Chapter 30

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'Wow, good job Bakugou. You followed your plan. Now Deku might be dead and so might you.'

Bakugou's eyes snapped open. He had been messing with wires the entire time Midoriya had been distracting the opponents, trying to blow the wires up. He had done so, but the explosion had backfired and as all the power went out, he'd passed out. He was only out for a few moments before Midoriya's punch reached him, shocking him awake. He looked around to find himself in pitch darkness. Perfect.
Bakugou stood up, clasping his hands together and getting himself fired up. He dropped his hands to his side and activated his quirk, though only a little. This was so he could fly without being spotted as easily, which is exactly what he did. Bakugou had to fly for a while before he was able to find Midoriya, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, all back on their feet. He noticed with a grimace that Midoriya seemed so worn out. 'Don't worry, Deku. I'll save you.' He thought determinedly. He landed and started to run silently, following the trail he'd seen from above until he'd finally reached where the three students were. Two against one surely seemed unfair.
Bakugou hid behind a wall, much like he had back at middle school. It seemed so far away now... He watched Midoriya limp forward, his hands balled into fists and his green eyes blazing. Ugh, Goddammit Deku! Why did his eyes have to be so amazing! Bakugou shook his thoughts away and rubbed his hands together, causing friction and sweat. He'd altered the cables that controlled the electricity and had made the vicinity heat up too so his quirk would always be ready.
"Come along, Izuku. Come quietly and no one will get hurt." Todoroki seemed to be mocking Midoriya, knowing he had damaged himself too much to make another attack like that. A flame erupted in his hand, making Bakugou growl lowly as the area was lit up a little. Midoriya was hidden, silently watching. He caught Bakugou's eye and smirked softly, looking back down at Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, who were looking for him. They seemed to have completely forgot about Bakugou.
Big mistake. Bakugou sprang out of the shadows, barrelling into Todoroki and pinning his against the wall. Sparks flew from his hand as he glared at the other, who was startled into silence.
"Remember me, Half-face?" He snarled, bringing the small explosions close to Todoroki's face. The red-and-white panicked, his bicoloured eyes widening as he tried to escape Bakugou's grasp to no avail.
"Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu kept repeating his name, stumbling in the darkness. "Todoro-!" Her voice was suddenly cut out as a shape jumped down, glowing as power ran through his veins. Midoriya had pounced on Yaoyorozu and held her down, grinning brightly as he apologised to her.
"It seems to be that Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have been stopped!? Do they give in? Do they try to fight back? Who knows!" Present Mic's voice rang around the arena and all eyes were on the scene. Midoriya's arm was damaged and fully charged, raised over Yaoyorozu's head. Bakugou's explosions were right beside Todoroki's sweating face.
"We give in."
The light returned to the area and the two competitors were freed. Midoriya apologised a lot more to Yaoyorozu as he helped her up, she laughed and waved it off as being OK and 'all for training anyway.' She complimented him and he smiled, thanking her and returning it. Midoriya swayed a little on his feet, something Bakugou noticed. He'd dropped Todoroki and was running over to the shorter green-haired boy, panic rising in his stomach as he saw the other's face fall slowly.
Midoriya's eyes rolled back into his head as he fell back, Bakugou screaming his name.

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