Chapter 39

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Midoriya stood up, falling over again as he tried to walk forward. He groaned in pain, pushing himself up to his feet again and rubbing his head. He let his slightly blurred vision to focus on the darkness so that he could make out the chain around his ankle.
"What the fuck...?" He whispered, the familiar sense of panic starting to rise in his chest. He tugged at his leg, trying to free himself. Desperation clawed at him as he pulled harder, gripping the chains and attempting to rip them off.
"I advise you don't do that. You'll just hurt yourself." A calm voice that would've eased him usually echoed from behind him. Midoriya tensed up and turned around.
"... Todoroki..." His expression was cool, though couldn't be detected in the darkness. "Why the fuck am I chained to a wall?" He was surprised at how angry he sounded (it scared him a little), but he concluded it was just because of how much time he'd spent with Katsuki. Todoroki didn't seem fazed. One arm was covered in ice, the other starting to flicker with flames.
"So that you can't run. My father wouldn't like it if you did." His eyes were glassy and clouded, like they seemed to be all the time. Midoriya frowned, glaring at him as he tried to free himself.
"Let me go! What do you even want?"
"It's what my father wants. He wants me to be the future no. 1 hero. Eliminating you is the only way, since it's clear All Might has taken you under his wing. Even Uraraka agrees."
"Where's Kacchan? Have you hurt him?"
"Your 'Kacchan' is safe where he should be." Todoroki paused for the affect, staring him up and down. "In prison."

Bakugou was not in prison.
Officer Kenjiro had overused his truth-speaker quirk and had passed out, but Sugita had let him go. Bakugou was cleared of the things he was accused for, so as soon as he was out he'd started to fly. He needed to find Uraraka to see where Izuku was. As he was boosting himself through the air, he looked down and saw Uraraka stumbling out of the greenery, leaves and twigs caught in her hair.
"BITCH!" Katsuki screeched from above, shooting down and landing in front of her. His red eyes were blazing in anger, but he held his fire. Uraraka stumbled back, hitting a tree.
"B-Bakugou!? You're supposed to be in prison!"
"No thanks to you! Why the fuck did you knock me out? Where's Deku? If you've hurt one hair on his head, I swear to God I'll-"
"I'm sorry!" Uraraka cut him off, tears stinging her eyes, "I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hurt you, or him at all. I-I was jealous of you.. Todoroki said that if I helped him, you'd be out of the picture and I could be free to love Midoriya..." Bakugou watched, anger spiking inside. He opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off again. "I heard him one day though! He was talking down the phone to his father a-and said something about Midoriya being 'gone for good soon'."
She was crying now, on her knees. "I panicked and didn't know what to do. I couldn't back out as there'd be too many questions from Todoroki, so I had to play along. Bakugou, he's going to hurt Izuku and it's all my fault!"
Bakugou's hand combusted, an explosion crackling threw the air. He grabbed Uraraka by her collar, glaring at her hatefully.
"You're damn right it's all your fucking fault! Tell me where that bastard has Deku or I'll kick you into next week!"
"H-He has him at the old warehouse on the outskirts of time. Please... tell Midoriya I'm sorry... I never meant for this to happen.."
There was a pause, where Katsuki dropped her back on the floor and lit his hands up.
"Tell him yourself."
His tone was cold and non-negotiable. He pointed his hands at the ground and blew up the ground, sending him flying upwards and towards the old warehouse Uraraka had said.
He was going to save Deku and no pink-cheeked bitch or toothpaste-haired daddy's boy was going to stop him.

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