so? //chapter 3

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Maria smiled, wearing her red dress and dark red lipstick. "Can you help with something?"
Alexander gave her a puzzling look. He looked as if he hadn't sleep in days. "What is it?" He says.

"My boyfriend is doing me wrong.." Maria hesitated for a second, do I really have to this?
She thought. "Beating me, Cheating me, mistreating m-" Alexander interrupted "James is your boyfriend, right?" Rude. Maria thought,she wasn't done with her sentence. "Yes, he is. May I come in?" She wanted this done and over with already. "Sure." Alexander let Maria in before closing the door.

Maria looked around, the first thing she noticed was a picture with Alexander and Eliza, smiling and.. happy.

"You can sit here." Alexander sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. Maria sat on the couch and started explaining, getting closer and rubbing Alexander's leg.

—-(An hour later)—-

Alexander nodded. "I see.. I can help, but it's getting late now, you should go." Maria turned red and held Alexander's hand, and whispered "May I stay~?" Alexander turned red and stuttered "S-Sure.." Maria smiled fakely and kissed Alexander.

(After the who ha)

Maria looked at the sleeping figure next to her. After they kissed, Maria led him to the bed. Maria got up and put her clothing on, feeling disgusted with herself. Maria then heard the door open. Shit, Eliza's home! Maria pushed Alexander's clothes under the bed, might as well for Eliza to love her relationship before it's gone. Maria ran to the bathroom, to see a window that was slightly open. "I'm home, Alex!" Eliza said. Maria opened the window and got out, landing on the grass and closing the window.

Maria didn't know or want to know what happened. She found her self running to her dorm, where James probably was. She opened the he door and saw James having sex with another girl. Maria instantly closed the door and started crying.

"Why.." Maria walked away, her face with gloom as she went to the campus. "Hey Maria!" Someone said, with another set of "Hello!" And, "Hey Maria!" Maria put on a fake smile and said hello and talked to her group of friends.

Maria had enough talking. "I'm sorry, but I must go now. It was lovely talking to you all." Maria said in a sweet tone while walking away. Maria saw Eliza again, but with Alexander. He seemed anxious, trying to hide the face he totally didn't cheat on his girlfriend.

Maria luckily walked away, keeping her head down as she walked passed them. As she was going further and further away, she heard "Maria?" She turned around, to see Eliza.
"Oh, H-Hello." Maria took a deep breath. Eliza was absolutely stunning.

"Hey, how are you?" Eliza said while pulling away from Alexander and towards Maria.
"I'm well, you?" Eliza smiled "I'm good! I was wondering, my sisters and I will be going to the movies this weekend. Would you like to come with us?"

Maria started to panic on the inside. How will she go knowing what she did? Maria wants to go, but she has to say no. Maria opened her mouth, but her answer was completely different then what she intended "of course."
"That's great!" Eliza opened her purse and took out a small piece of paper and a pen. "I don't have my phone on me right now, so just your phone number here and I'll text you later."

Maria nodded, and wrote her number down. She gave the paper to Eliza. " T-Thank you."
Eliza smiled and put the paper in her purse. "See you!" Eliza said before going back to Alexander, who seemed awkward the whole time.

"This is just great." Maria mumbled.

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