if it was easy // chapter 13

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Maria fiddled with her necklace, constantly rubbing at her neck.

"Is there something there because what you're doing is bothering me." Marie said in one breath, glancing at Maria.

"I'm.. fine, just a little nervous."

Marie sniffs. "You know what that smells like?"


"Smells like bullshit."

Maria rolled her eyes, not even bothering to argue with Marie. "Its just, I've been going out more lately."

Marie frowned, now fully turned to Maria.
"You better not be sleeping around."

"Look who's talking." Maria mumbled, looking at the blue stain on the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Don't give me that attitude. I told you repeatedly to not sleep around. Doing that, it ruined my mental state." Marie stated, sounding more frustrated with every word.

Maria didn't respond, so Marie continued.

"Also, I know you're just sleeping around just to push something else away. That's exactly what I did when I wanted to push something.. or someone, away."

"It's not any of your business. I'm fine." Maria sneered, crossing her arms for emphasis.

Marie shook her head, a disappointing sigh leaving her. "I won't bring it up again."

"Thank you." Maria grumbled, grabbing a handful of potato chips and shoving them in her mouth, so she wouldn't have to make more conversation.

. . .

Maria walked to dorm 1804, the same dorm she swore she'll never come back to again.
Unfortunately, James convinced Maria to have this spectacle again.

This better not turn into a thing. It better not turn something Maria will turn to.

It exactly what she does.

. . .
With now weeks coming over, Maria is now a regular at dorm 1804. She will come mostly during nights, where Eliza is out, and Alexander is the most drained.

Alexander has Maria for a source of something to take his frustrations out. Maria doesn't mind, since it temporarily takes her emotions away, and that's replaced with pleasure.

If it were easy, Maria would've said 'no' a long to time ago. She would've handled her ever-growing feelings in a better manner. But it's not easy, it's not easy seeing the same, beautiful, smiling face everyday, only to lie.

Eliza doesn't deserve that.

. . .

Somehow, Maria was able to scrap some excuse to spend some time with Eliza. They didn't have a whole lot of time to hang out, since classes take up most of their time. They were able to find some time in the public library, rather than the college one.

"What do you need help with?" Eliza asked, their shoulders pressed together since Eliza was looking at the open laptop in Maria's lap.

"Oh, well, this project is pretty hard.."

Wow, like that's gonna make her understand.

"Hm, the instructions you told me seem simple." Eliza replied.

"Yeah you know what sorry for wasting your time it's fine," Maria said all in one breath.

"Hey, it's okay. I can help." Eliza said, putting her hand on Maria's to assure her.

But, Maria was almost going insane from the simple gesture, added by Eliza's cherry scent, lovely and kind smile, and overall Eliza's radiant aura.

"okay." Maria replied, voice small.

. . .

They didn't finish the project, at all.

"It's just so crazy to me how someone can be so.. so.."


Yes! He never takes his time out his stupid schedule to actually explore ideas!"

Eliza chuckled.
"You should probably stop hanging with such plonks."

Maria snorted. "Plonks?"

Eliza huffed. "You cannot judge me for my use of vocabulary."

"I'm doing it right now."

"I'm pretty scary." Eliza added, ignoring Maria's comment.

"I'm petrified."

"You better be." Eliza said, her smile playful.

There was a moment of silence, it wasn't awkward, but it was spent with Eliza and Maria staring at each other.

"I should probably go back to my dorm." Maria finally said, as she stood up.

Eliza seemed disappointed for a split second, Maria almost didn't catch it.

"Want me to walk you back?" She offered, also standing from the wooden chair.

"No, its fine, I'm a big girl." Maria commented, and the second she walked out, it started to rain.

"Oh, a little rain is not gonna kill me-"

A sudden sound of lightning struck, and it started pouring.


"Taking that offer back?" Eliza asked, a shit eating grin on her face because she was the one who had the car.

"You win, take me away, Prince Charming." Maria sarcastically replied.

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