red or blue?// chapter 4

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A/N- Thank you so much for 120 reads! It means so much that you're reading This! I'm also going to add Marie Antoinette just because.. I want to..

Maria sighed, walking to her dorm. She's been in James's dorm but Maria really didn't want to talk to him right now. Even if it was earned with a beating. "Hey Maria!" Marie smiled as she walked over to Maria.

Ah yes, Marie Antoinette. Marie can be a handful sometimes, but Maria thought Marie was a good person once you got to know her a little more. "Hey Marie! Are you cooking her something?" Maria looked behind Marie to see the oven with black smoke coming from it. "I think it's burning.." Marie looked back "Ah! Oh no!" Marie ran over and opened the oven. "Marie, put something on so you won't burn yourse-" Maria was interrupted when Marie burned herself. "I think you need some help." Maria walked over put the mittens on before taking out what seemed like cake.

Maria closed the oven and turned it off, placing the cake on the counter. "Never cook again." Marie blushed "I-It's not my fault! I thought I followed the recipe well.." Maria chuckled lightly. "I'll help you next time." Marie smiled and opened the fridge to take out a cake that was already prepared. "Is that another cake? Marie, cake is not good for your health. Espresso if you're eating it all the time." Marie pouted. "Whatever. Cake is good and I like it." Marie put it on the counter right next to the failed attempt. She took a knife and cut a slice. "Okay. Just get diabetes then." Maria said and walked to her room and closed the door.

"I know today is Thursday, but it's best just to find what I'm wearing this Saturday." Maria opened her closet and looked through tHe clothing.

—-An Hour Later—-

Maria was still finding clothes for the movie. She took out a red and blue crop top and walked out of the room. "Red or blue?" Maria held up the crop tops. "Floo" Marie said but was muffled with cake in her mouth. " I asked red or blue, not floo." Marie glared at Maria "Blue." Maria smiled and walked back in the room. Laying out the blue crop top and jeans.

—-Saturday rOlLs around——

Maria looked at herself in the mirror. She liked the color, but Maria preferred red more. She took off the top and put the red one on. Maria grabbed her black small purse and put on her red flats. Maria put some light makeup on. "I can't wait to see Eliza-" Maria blushed. Why am I excited to see Eliza? It's just a hangout with her sisters.. Maria felt a slight pang of guilt. There's the fact that Maria had done it with Alexander Hamilton, Eliza's girlfriend. Maria took a deep breath "you can do this.. Maybe." Maria walked out of her room and left the dorm.

Maria went to campus, seeing some familiar faces like Thomas Jefferson, who was flirting- talking with James Madison. Charles Lee who was picking on some poor unfortunate soul with James Reynolds and Samuel Seabury. There was more, but Maria didn't pay much attention. She left off campus and went to the movies. Maria heard her ringtone from her phone go off before seeing the contact, Eliza. Maria answered.



"Oh, hey Eliza."

"I'm at the movies right now. Are you coming?"

"Yes, I'll be there in a few."

"Awesome! I'll be waiting- Peggy! We're not watching two dogs and one tail! Sorry about that. See you!"

Eliza hung up. Maria smiled and put her phone away. She eventually got to the movie theater, seeing Eliza with Angelica and Peggy. Maria walked over "Hello Eliza." Eliza smiled "Hey Maria! Thank you so much for coming. These are my sisters." Angelica gave a warm smile. Angelica wore a pink-ish shirt and black shorts. "I'm Angelica, the oldest." Then Peggy smiled ecstatically "I'm Peggy! That's a nice shirt you're wearing where did you get it?" Maria smiled a bit "I'm not-" Peggy interrupted. "Oh and those shoes! They're really nice!" Peggy gasped dramatically "those jeans! I have the same pair! Oh I just know we'll be the bestest of friends!" Maria didn't say anything for a moment, a bit overwhelmed and still processing what she said.

Eliza chuckled "too much, Peggy." Peggy shrugged. Angelica looked at Maria "don't mind her, she tends to ramble a lot." Peggy pouted "No I don't!" Eliza took Maria by the hand. Maria blushed all types of red "let's just go inside. Also, I think red suits you. You look really nice."

Maria smiled brightly. So red was the right color to wear.

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