project // chapter 9

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"What's wrong?" Maria asked, standing up and looking at Marie, who looked very worried. "So.. I maybe not really kinda messed up my project..? Can you help me fix it?" Maria sighed loudly. "Really Marie? You had me worried for a second, I thought it was something important." Marie huffed. "Hey, my grade is important! C'mon, lets go to the front of the campus." Maria shook her head.

"No way, that's your fault that you messed up the project." Maria stated, as she sank further on the couch. "Just because you're made about some girl doesn't mean you have to a bitch about it." Marie smugly said, crossing her arms.
"First of all, no. Second of all, it's your fucking project so leave me out of it." Maria huffed in annoyance. "Ugh, it's a group project and Hamilton isn't answering his phone!" Marie replied, stomping her foot. Maria cringed at the last name, Hamilton.

Maria knew that Alexander was off with Eliza somewhere, might as well help Marie with they project. "Fine, I'm going." Maria responded, standing up and putting on her bright red heels and leaving the dorm with a whiny Marie.

Once at the front of the campus, Maria sat on the bench, as Marie took out her laptop and looked through her project, and Maria saw little to nothing on the screen. "You didn't do jack shit on here." Maria commented. "No, it was here but I accidentally deleted it. Hamilton has a fucking copy of the essay on his laptop. But he wONT ANSWER HIS PHONE." Maria huffed, putting the laptop down aggressively.

"Calm down, just.. wait until he answers his phone." Maria replied. "The project is due today. Next class." Marie stated, sighing loudly. "Okay.. maybe I can.. hold on." Maria said, as she stood up and went a distance away from Marie, and Maria went to her contacts and called Eliza. She was sure they were together right now.

"Hello?" Eliza said, some shuffling was heard in the background.

"Eliza, tell Hamilton to send a copy of an essay to Marie Antoinette, his partner in a certain project." Maria replied.

"Uhm, sure." There was some distant talking for a moment, as Maria crossed her arms. "Okay, he said he'll send it in a minute." Eliza said finally.

"Thank you, I'll be going now." Maria was about to hang up until she Eliza say,

"Wait.. wait. Look, I'm sorry for ditching you at the theater. I probably should've called you, not text you. It was because something happened with Alex and we got busy. Tomorrow, find me at lunch and we'll talk alone." Then Eliza hung up.

Maria blinked, taking the information she was just given. She was a little skeptical, thinking that she would've been ditched again. Though, Eliza wasn't that kind of person. "This girl." Maria huffed, her face somewhat pink.

"Hey, I got the copy!" Marie yelled. "That's nice, I'm leaving!" Maria responded, turning around but immediately bumping into someone.

"I apologize." Aaron said, glancing at Maria. " quite alright, Burr." Maria didn't get a response, she turned around and just saw as Burr walked away. "Not much of a talker." She mumbled, continuing to walk back to her dorm. Maria wasn't sure what to think of Eliza, did she want to be friends with Maria? That would be really awkward. Lost in thought, Maria jumped when she felt her phone vibrate. At this point, she was at the front of the dorm so Maria quickly went in and answered the phone without looking at the contact.

"Maria." Said girl shivered, it was James. "Yes, James?" Maria said, a slight crack in her voice.

"Remember Alexander Hamilton?" James asked in a mocking tone. "Why, Yes I do.." Maria felt dread in her stomach, she knew what James will ask- well force her to do again.

" I need you to do what you did before.. you'll do that for me, right?" James said, a slight chuckle coming out.

"Uh- Uh.. yes, I'll do it.." Maria mumbled, she was breaking a sweat and she was on the verge of tears. "Great." James replied, hanging up.

Maria slid down on the door, as she felt tears sting at her eyes. "I'm doing this again." She murmured, as she wiped her makeup off. This isn't Mulan, so the make up got on her arm and it was messed up all over her Maria's face. "I hate him!" She yelled, throwing her hell against the wall.

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