keeping faith // chapter 28

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It took Eliza 20 minutes to finally arrive at the scene, and by that time, they were already at the hospital which took 30 more minutes. All that time Eliza was freaking out, driving recklessly and leaving nail marks which looked like the crescent moon on the steering wheel.

Finally, after having trouble with the front desk over seeing Maria, Eliza stumbled in the room, to see Angelica and Peggy on the seats, next to Maria.

Eliza sobbed in relief, because Maria is alive. She hid her face in her hands, as her sisters got up and hugged their crying sister.

After a few moments of silence, Eliza pulled away from her sisters' embrace and over to Maria. Eliza frowned at the others current state, as she gently tucked a strand of hair behind Maria's ear.

Eliza heard a click behind her, assuming that Angelica and Peggy left the room. Eliza sat there in silence, the regret finally sinking in.

I could've stopped her.

I could've made her stay.

I should have.

Eliza started at Maria's calm, and peaceful face.

She didn't know how long she stood there, but a doctor walked in.

"Are you the current visitor?"

Eliza nodded. "Yes."

"Well, we couldn't get any contact with her immediate family, but I understand you're also worried about Ms. Lewis. She's in a bad condition, yes. A piece of metal barley pierced her. If that piece of metal actually did, Ms. Lewis would've died."

Eliza shuddered at the thought.

"There's also other injuries such as major cuts on the arms and legs, also a broken arm, and various placed where if anything else was able to hit her, she would've died. Fortunately, she didn't hit her head too hard, so no brain damage occurred."

Eliza let out a small sigh of relief. "Thank you, doctor."

He nodded. "Ms. Lewis will also have to stay here for 3 days, since she can't go home immediately."

Eliza nodded, and with that, the doctor left. She turned back to Maria, and gently rubbed her cheek.

"Dearest, I'm sorry. I should've known, I should've trusted my gut feeling." Eliza murmured.

I'm sorry, my darling.

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