heartstrings // chapter 26

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Again, Maria woke up with a pounding headache. She groaned quietly, shuffling on the bed. She got up, but didn't see Eliza in the room. Disappointed, she put on her heels and walked out of the room.

She rubbed her eyes, and walked around aimlessly. Maria's vision was somewhat fuzzy, and every step felt like a hammer to her head. Maria patted at her pockets, realizing she had left her phone in the dorm.

With a sigh, Maria turned back and and walked to the dorm, going to the bed and grabbing her phone to call Eliza.

The phone rang for a few moments.


"M'where are you?"

"Oh, I'm at the Brewing Witch cafe, with my sisters."

Maria flinched at the thought of her older sister, Angelica.

"M'kay, sorry to bother you."

"No, actually I was about to come and get you."

"Why? Don't you sisters like, hate me or something?"

Maria could hear a sigh from the other line.

"I explained the situation."

Maria knew that Eliza didn't say any specifics.

"I dunno, I don't feel good."

"I'll be right there."

. . .

Eliza knew that telling her sisters was tricky, since they were both very observant and no doubt will question everything.

Nonetheless, Eliza was able to slip by without too much commentary.

She went back to the dorm, where Maria was on the sofa, face planted in a pillow.

Eliza frowned, and quickly got some things for the other. "Here." She said, giving Maria medicine and water bottle.

Maria glanced up, and took the bottle and pills. "Thanks, 'Liza. I don't know what I'd do without you." Maria mumbled.

Eliza nodded. "Of course."

"Also, I'm going out with a friend of mine later. He wants to talk to me about something, or something." Maria shrugged.

Eliza felt that anxious feeling in her gut again.

"Sure, you could use my car." Eliza agreed, as she tucked a strand of hair behind Maria's ear.

Maria grabbed the others hand, intertwining their fingers.

They had done this before, mostly as a gesture of comfort. But now, it feels more intimate.

. . .

"He cancelled, said an urgent situation occurred." Maria said, now on the bench with Eliza.

She nodded, and felt a sense of relief.
Thank god, Eliza thought.

"Which means, more ice cream for us." Maria hummed, wrapping her arm around Eliza's shoulders.

"This time we're getting cooking n' cream."

It's exactly what they did later that night, around 12 in the morning. Maria was practically tanged with Eliza, her arm around the others waist, legs crossed, and her head on Eliza's shoulder.

Y'know, just friend stuff.

Maria glanced up, and smiled.

The moment was right again.

Eliza leaned forward, and this time it was closer than the last time, just about their lips were about to press, a loud jumpscare interrupted them.

On instinct, Maria snapped away, her shoulders tense.

"Sorry." She mumbled, getting up.


"I should- probably go back to my dorm. I spent way too much time here." Maria said quickly, putting on her heels.

Eliza furrowed her eyebrows, the same gut feeling plunging her gut, desperately trying to stay calm.

"Maria, please-"

"I'm sorry, okay?" Maria said, walking out of the dorm.

Eliza hesitated to follow, especially since Maria didn't want to see her.

In the end, Eliza didn't follow and Maria was now in her car.

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