▶Chapter 2: Get use to it...◀

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Author's POV

*Next Morning...*


I want suggestion, what are we going to do at the upcoming school festival? Is anyone have any idea? they discussing about the upcoming school festival, he was talking to the whole group but his gaze only fix on one particular person.

Yeah, yea! How about a swimsuit cafe!! hoseok exclaimed excitedly.

Shut the fuck up, Hoseok!! really? I swimsuit cafe?! yoongi huffed, hitting hoseok head by a newspaper. While the two keep arguing, jungkook walk behind jimin unknowingly.

What should I do now?! Ugh! This isn't cool! ’ jimin mentally breaking down, unaware at jungkook's presence.

...min... Jimin-sii are you okay? Are you feeling sick? jungkook asked, made the latter jump a bit in surprise!

Shit! Why he needs to notice me! ’ he mentally cursed.

Ah -- yea I'm -- fine...” he replied stammering.

Okay... I'm always unto your frankness idea. he said patting the latter's head, revealing his bunny smile.

I'm looking forward to it... another motivating words comes out in his lips, made the latter blush.

His bunny smile and kind words made jimin question himself if what happened last night was REAL or just a DREAM. He shrugged off his uncertainty and began to share his idea.

He keeps on babbling about his idea, while his hands doing it's work... He keeps on sketching every members of the council with the unsaid costumes.

‘wow! You draw so good jimin-ssi...draw me too!!’ hoseok exclaimed, admiring his work...

Nervous is an understatement on what he feels, when jungkook suddenly sat beside him. Listening carefully to him, watching how his small hands do its work, he discuss his idea with confidence and smile. But soon flattened when he feel a hand caressing his inner thighs. He look at jungkook with a shock face while the other smile at him mischievously.

Are you okay, vice president? You look sick. ” hoseok asked worriedly, while his starting to kill the man beside him inside his head, cursing how pervert jungkook is.

Ye-yeah, I'm - ah!... he supposed to answered, but instead a weak moan escape in his mouth

Jungkook grinned evilly, he continued caressing jimin's thighs slowly reaching the latter's groin, that made jimin's jump out from his seat and excuse himself saying ‘he needs to go to infirmary, coz he feel sick.’

He give jungkook one furious glare before he leaves, but only receive a playfully wink and sticking tongue!

‘I swear! I can kill him by my own bare hands!! But first I need to think how I protect myself in that pervert!!!’ he grumbles under his breath.

‘he is not the President I admire and fall to! He will never gonna fool me again!’

“jimin's idea is real good~~ he always amaze me...” jungkook praise the latter's sketch.

“so -- we will do jimin's idea... A Halloween costume party” he claimed, dismissing the discussion.

*The night comes...*

Jimin set a barricade he wear a weird helmet while holding a rolling pin and spatula...

Jungkook come out in his room checking his fiancee.

“what are you doing there? Aren't you going to sleep?” he asks curiously with a frowning face.

Jimin jump a bit raising his weapon! Jungkook narrowed his eyes at his fiancee weird demeanor.

“I sleep here from now on... safer...”

“did you hate me that much? ” he said sadly, “oh, I forgot I'm the lowest person you've ever known.” he mumbled walking back inside his room.

“sleep well -- and don't catch cold...”

Guilt -- he felt bad on how he treat the other... But it's only his defense mechanism, nothing's wrong with it right? before jungkook could close the door he halted it.

“sorry... I didn't me -- ”

“caught you~~” he whispered in husky voice made jimin shivered. “you're easy to read...” he carried the smaller bridal style.

you tricked me!! Yah! Let me go!he writhes in the taller's hold.

“you are really interesting~~he trapped jimin's small figure under him.

Jimin's heart skip a beat, feeling jungkook's hot breath kissing his skin, his face grew red when jungkook forcedly unbuttoned his pajamas and caressed his now fully exposed chest.

“president stop! What are - AH! ” a moaned skip in his mouth.

“don't deny it, jimin ~~ you like this...you like me~~ ” jungkook croons, leaning forward to kiss the smaller ‘I hate you!’ jimin shouted.

That made jungkook stop and gaze at the smaller seriously.

“that will never gonna happen!”

“I will make you beg for it...” he grinned. “for this day onwards -- I will wait for it to happened”


“marrying him -- is my biggest mistake.”

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