▶Chapter 3: Kisses ~~◀

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Author's POV

'he really gave me this costume?!' jimin mentally grumbles, glaring at jungkook.

"you look so good on it, President..." one of the staff praise him.

"but -- I'm look cooler, right?" hoseok exclaimed proudly.

"shut up, hoseok!" yoongi breathed out in agitation.

"why I'm the one who -- "

"this is your idea, right?" jungkook cut him, make the latter color drain.

He clenched his fist casting a spell to the latter in his head, jungkook look at him with a flirty smile. This made him blush in anger! Adding what happened last night.

Just like their first night, he keeps attacking the latter forcefully.

There was a night that jimin bid his goodnight to him, but jungkook kiss him all of the sudden.

'I don't know why but -- he only comes by, by giving me goodnight and goodmorning kiss. ' he talk to himself caressing his lips.


What's with him?

Is he planning something?

I am completely played by his game!

He grunts in his head, '...good on it, President.' those words bring him in reality, gazing at the said man.

'the president -- in a vampire costume...' he squeals in his head, then scold himself, 'what the fuck jimin?! Why you become excited all of a sudden?! Don't get fooled by his kinds words and bunny smile!!' he remind his self.

*A day before the festival...*

'I just need to do well tomorrow...' he said to himself while he's practising with hoseok.

"you play well!"

"I learn to play piano when I was a kid...and it's been awhile when I last played -- that's why I don't have enough confidence..." jimin laughed out, while hoseok said his 'okay...'

"let's just do our best tomorrow..." jimin cheered out with his crescent smile, make hoseok heart fluttered.

"vi-vice President... when I was looking at you -- I think you're cute..." he stuttered grabbing jimin's hands.


"you don't have a boyfriend, right? Go on a date with me?!" he blurted, unaware at the pair of eyes watching them. That question send the latter in dazed.

"you don't have to give your answer right away-- but I'll wait until the festival end."

That night jimin still in dazed, walking towards the bathroom with his pajamas.

I didn't expect hoseok-hyung confession... but what should I do? Should I say to him that I'm already engaged?

While that train of thoughts keep running in his mind, he opened the door revealing the half-naked jungkook.

It took a moment to realize what's in front of him, his face began to heat up. Babbling his sorry repeatedly, he didn't know that jungkook is inside. He was about to run off, but the taller cornered him.

"are you happy that you've got a confession from hoseok-hyung?" he whispered in jimin's ear, made the latter face him and push him a bit.

"maybe he can make your heart race -- but I'm the only one who can make you pant..." he breathed ripping jimin's shirt, he pinned the latter hands above his head, starting giving butterfly kisses on jimin's expose neck down to his collarbone. His legs slowly losing its strength when jungkook began to lick his exposed chest.

"stop! -- even you always kissing me...you didn't go any farther than that..." he sobbed make jungkook stop in his action.

He pulled his pajamas and wear it," but let me remind you... You're mine -- you're mine Park Jimin." after saying that he leave the room where the crying boy is.

*Back at the present time...*

Jimin's POV

I'm walking around the school with this fucking bunny costume that -- that pervert give me! Ugh! I really want to ripped off his head! and throw it to the outer space!

Walking while grousing how the man I adore before treat me like this?! When someone called me from behind. FUCK!! in all the people!

"Jimin-sii! is that you?!" wow! How lucky I was!! Now I need to deal with his father, I turned I around and bow at him.

"wow! I didn't expect that you really have that feminine figure! That costume really suits you -- "

"thank you for the complement chairman jeon..." I cut him politely, I really don't want this conversation go any farther. Before he can mumbled another word I dash off giving a good reason to leave him.

"you seems so off when you're walking...if jungkook bothered you a lot -- just go with his flow... JUNGKOOK REALLY LOVES YOU JIMIN..." I heard him shouting, but his last sentence make my heart fluttered.

Is he really loves me? I shrugged all the question, a bit nervous when I saw how many student attend to watch our performance.

Soon the concert start, I'm a bit stiff due of nervousness... But hearing and seeing jungkook sings calms me down. A lot of girls are squealing how handsome jungkook was, but they're right... Me, myself I can't take off my eyes off of him.

"jimin-sii! I'm still waiting for your answer..." hoseok-hyung shouted. I look at him with a smile, when someone pulled me closer to him.
"don't look to others...only look at me!" he half whispered in my ears with a dominant tone.

The concert end successfully but my vision becomes blurry and I felt my head began to spin...


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