▶Chapter 7: Confession??~~◀

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[Author's POV]

Fist are clenching after hearing the other words, he tried to look calm ;showing his famous bunny smile pretending that the latter's words doesn't affect him, even in reality his fuming inside.

He saw jimin turning his heels about to leave, but before the other can make a move. He grab the smaller wrist and drag him back inside the room, wherein they left the two in astonish state. The girl called jungkook's name but the other ignore it, so he tried to follow them -- but before she can take a step in, the door shut close in front of her face.

He gripped the smaller wrist enough to leaves a marks on his milky skin. "what the hell is your problem!!" jimin bayed in annoyance trying to pry himself to the others hold.

"huh!!" jungkook sneezed poking his inner cheeks, while jimin staring at him in hatred. The piercing stare of the younger send more agitation to him, he pinned jimin's hands over his head made jimin wince in pain.

"seriously? You asking me what's my problem, even you know it's you! And your sharp tongue! I should be the one who ask you, what is your problem?! All of the sudden you act like a whiny brat!" he spatted made jimin flinch shutting his eyes in fear.

"I-I'm not acting like that!" he fired back stammering. A smirk began to crept on jungkook's face, even the smaller is panicking his soul out, he is still beautiful, he can't see any flaws in the younger... He's so ethereal in his eyes.

The latter's brown obs is like a wormhole, he began to lost his state of mind. Unbuttoning jimin's uniform while the other can't form any words due of happening. His mind is filled with question.

Where the jungkook he love before?

Why he doing this things?

He didn't like him, so why he care if dated someone!

He has a pretty childhood friend that can accompany him, or help him through his desire.

And why he keeps teasing him and claiming him as his own.

Those questions occupied his head, doesn't know what's is happening in reality not until jungkook began to grin his knees on his lower region. The taller's free hand brushing his now naked upper body. His eyes grow wide seeing jungkook lowering his head, sticking his tongue flicking teasing jimin's nipple.

He bit his lip refraining himself to let a single sound, he should shouting for help... But his body and mind wants this, his longing for the other touches. He didn't know that he slowly become addicted to jungkook's touch and kisses.

mhmm!” he muffled his moan, when jungkook sucked his nipple like a baby. Biting it lightly give unbearable pleasure to the other. “jungkook...” he called weakly with a hoodie eyes, hoping the other look up to him.

“you're mine, jimin...only mine” he nipped in jimin's chest loosening his hold, jimin immediately grip on jungkook's hair pulling him closer. Mouth bit agape when the older massages his other chest. The room grew hot every second and the tempting tension between them grew as well. Moaning each other name demanding for more.

Jungkook look up being bliss how jimin's looks like, his wet messy hair, his parted lips and the hoodie eyes looking at him, begging to continue. He smile connecting their foreheads, while catching their breath.

“don't you dare say that again...” he mumbled cupping jimin's face and lean in, giving a quick peck then a passionate one.

Is jungkook's father telling the truth? Is really jungkook love him from the very start and the teasing thing is the way he show his love and affection to him?

Those words keeps ranging in his mind, as he began melting in the arms of the man he love the most. Even how many times he denied, his affection to the other is not decreasing instead it grows every single day.

“I know you're jealous... But let me assure you -- ” he pulled him closer by the waist. Breath ghosting on jimin's face. “you are my fiancee, my soon to be husband...” he said with a fondly smile, pecking jimin's crown. Snuggling his face on jungkook's chest.

He didn't utter any words, he let the taller's speak and he let his body and heart melt in the others touch.


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