▶Chapter 5: Teasing...◀

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[Author's POV]

Jungkook settled jimin in more comfortable position, he starts to lick the smaller bottom lip, tugging it. Requesting for entrance which gladly granted by the smaller, jimin opened his mouth willingly allowing jungkook to explore his cavern, while jungkook began to explore his body as well.

“ah~~” a weak moan escape from his lips, pleasured at the taller's touch. He grinned unintentionally made their clothed member rub to each other. Made the two release a blissful moan pleasure.

A low deep groaned escape from the taller's lips, as he starts peppering jimin's necks with kisses. Chanting mine repeatedly.

"Jung-mhmmm..." Jungkook muffled jimin's moan, by him kissing hungrily. While his freehand is on  jimin's delicate chest, nipple between his  fingers, "ahhh!!" jimin gasps when jungkook suddenly tugged his nipple harshly but in a pleasurable way .

Jungkook lips quirk up seeing the latter erotic expression, the expression he love the most. He grinned evilly at the back of his head as he stop his doing. Jimin look at him with hooded eyes, "why you st--"

"Oh~~ look at the time... It's already late." He cut jimin's words signing jimin to stand up. Jimin look at him confusingly fighting the pain he has in his lower region.

"Goodnight, park..." by that he left the smaller with a big painful problem, and jimin just watch his back dumbfounded.

[Jimin's POV]

I hate you to the moon and back, JEON JUNGKOOK!!! how dare you, doing this to me!!! ’

I screamed in my head, of course I CAN'T scream it for real the evil will hear me. How dare he do this to me?! And the actual fuck is wrong with me? Really? Jimin! You allowed that pervert touched you!!!

I sighed slumping my body on the couch, I need to distance myself in that pervert freak! Ugh! But how will I deal with this!!

I glance at my hurting bulge, I know he has the same problem like mine... but why he sto-- AHHHH!!!  what really happening to you jimin! Are you really slowly becoming a masochist for that pervert bunny... I scolded myself gripping my hair in frustration.

[The morning comes...]

[Author's POV]

Jungkook wakes up early like usual, close the door behind him silently, as he slowly sauntering at the boy who still asleep, curled up like a ball in the couch.

He smiled warmly admiring the smaller features, but base on what jimin looks like now... The taller can say that jimin didn't get enough sleep. The black circle is too visible, he carefully caressed the latter's chubby cheeks with a lovingly smile painted on his face.

Yeah, he will not deny that he loves teasing the sleeping boy... But that's how he show his love, from the day he lay his eyes on the latter. He unknowingly stole jungkook's hearts away.

Jimin scrunched his nose at the contact made jungkook stand up and pretend that he just arrived to wake up the other. Jimin sleepy rubbed his fluffy eyes like a cute toddler, made jungkook chuckled ‘cute’ internally.

Jimin looks up fluttering his eyes to get a clear vision, and once he get, he back away grabbing a pillow to set as a barrier.

“YAH! don't come near me pervert!” he greeted while jungkook just snorted and leave him.

Jungkook is half-way to the kitchen when he turned his head to jimin. “oh! I forgot to tell you, starting tonight --” he has a creepy smile plastered on his face made the smaller freaked out internally. “say goodbye in that comfy couch... Coz starting tonight you will sleep in the same bed with me...” he added, leaving the other in shock state.

When jimin processed jungkook's words, he fall in the couch cursing how fuck up his life is!!

Why fate give me a sadist and pervert fiancee!!!

He screamed doesn't care if jungkook can hear him, while he screaming all his frustration. The other is silently laughing inside the kitchen, listening to his cute fiancee mournings.


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