▶Chapter 16: Inn~~◀

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[ Jimin's POV ]

I don't know if I should be happy or annoyed at jungkook's behavior, he become more clingy and touchy especially when freshman was around. I even caught him growling to them once, and it gives me a vibes of an abo...

It feels like his my possessive Alpha and I am his cute little omega... It made me blush imagining it, oh my god!!! I should stop this rant it's going nowhere.

Anyway jungkook become overprotective after the incident, taehyung attempted rape. Well, I can't blame him... no one can resist Park Jimin I mean look at me, small and innocent... With my beautiful crescent smile with this plump lips that my jungkookie wants to devour everytime. And this heavenly tight thighs and perfect rounded bun.

"...min! Park Jimin-shi!!"

What fuck!! Who the he--

"ju-jungkook ... I- I mean president..." kill me now for shuttering...

Oh... Please don't... Not now honey...

"do you have a fever?"

Oh please don't come near me...

"huh? Fever me? No no! It - it just a bit hot in here..." oh please juancock cooperate and leave me alone...

"are you sure?"

"pre-presideAH~~" screw you Jeon!!

"oh~~ look what I discover~~"

"jungkook s-stop!! " I panted, trying to push away this pervert bunny that playing my buds!!

"really? You want me to stop?! Or you like that fucker touch you huh!!" jisoos his possessiveness coming out again.

"of - of course not..." I felt my knees near to give up, I need to stop him before I lost my mind.

"then prove it!!"


"wow!!! Are you serious? Were going to stay here?" I exclaimed, finally!! I can relax and enjoy my weekend.

"you sounds like were going to live here...were just here to relax and forget everything that happen." it's been a week but he can't still forget that... I just hummed and run to our room.

What the fuck?! This more like a house than a room!!!

"aish! Can you close your mouth or you want me to close that?" he grumbles, why he sound so irritated? I didn't do anything wrong but why all of the sudden he got agitated?

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