▶Chapter 6: Childhood friend?◀

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[Author's POV]

Jungkook and hoseok is in the student council office with the school president of bangtan academy, they're discussing  about the upcoming joint ball of their schools.

The meeting went smooth, when a knock interrupted them. “I'm sorry, I'm late...” jimin apologized, not sparing a glance at the tall guy beside him.

“it's alright, Minnie...we still discussing what the ball theme will be.” hoseok said flashing his bright smile, made jimin smiled back. That took the taller attention and interest.

‘he looks too feminine, for a boy... But i don't mind -- he's cute...’ the taller said to himself, clearing his throat to catch the smaller attention.

And he didn't failed, jimin look at his direction eyes slowly dilated. “YOU!! OH MY GOSH~~” jimin suddenly squeal make jungkook furrowed, pulling the smaller in his side.

“what's with that behavior, Minnie?” hoseok asks worriedly. Jimin just smiled at him and pull out a magazine out in his bag.

“look! What you notice?” he squeal again, jungkook clench his fist refraining himself to burst in jealousy.

On the other side hoseok staring at the magazine back to the guy in front of him, his brows knitted when he finally get what jimin means. He flicked his eyes to the magazine and to the tall guy in front of them. “this is YOU!” the taller chuckled at the other reaction.

“yeah, that's me...I'm a freelance model...” he said casually, but jungkook sense the cockiness behind it.

“that's enough, we waste so much time...” jungkook speaks in annoyance.

“maybe we can continue this next meeting?”

yeah...I think that is much better. jungkook huffed, rolling his eyes mentally.

“till next time -- cutie~~” taehyung bid his goodbye to jimin fishing the latter's chubby hand, placing a sweet small kiss on the smaller back hand. That made jungkook mentally growled want to kill the said guy.

After taehyung left, hoseok excuses himself can't handle the tension between the two. Once the door fully closed, jungkook pushed jimin on the wall cornering the smaller.

“what is your problem!!” jimin hissed, jungkook pinned both of his hands above his head. He felt so small, jungkook staring at him deeply.

“you! You is my problem! You really have the guts to flirt to someone in front of me!!” he spated like a venom. Jimin shuddered at the taller tone, this is the first time he saw jungkook like this. Maybe he is jealous?

He said to himself but shrug it off, ‘it impossible -- who am I joking...he will nev--’ his thoughts cutted .

“not paying attention to me... Maybe I need to teach you, how to behave.” he whispered, grinding his knees on jimin's groin.

“yah--ahh~~” he suddenly moan, trying to pry himself.

Jungkook about to unbuttoned his button shirt, when the door suddenly flew open revealing a tall girl...

Jungkook immediately let go of him and compose himself, while jimin was still in dazed.

jungkookie!!!” the girl squeal running in jungkook's direction, throwing herself in jungkook's arm.

“I really miss you, jungkookie~~” she chimed like a broken glass in jimin's ear.

“I miss you too, yugieee...”

‘wow! Looks who's flirting now!!’ he grumbles, rolling his eyes. ‘it seems like I didn't need here -- I'll go now! Enjoy your reunion!’ jimin left the room in anger.

[Jimin's POV]

Uhh!! How hard his face lecturing me about my behavior, where his behavior is worst than mine!!!

I growled kicking the air in annoyance, I really HATE YOU JEON!!!

“hey, Minnie are you, oka--y ” hoseok-hyung asks me but he back away.

“yah! Don't glare at me like that...”

“I'm sorry, hyung... I'm just a bit stress.” I lie.

“are you stress because of jungkook's visitor...” by his words I throw a deadly glare unknowingly.

I'm not jealous! I'm just piss! Why do I care if he was a visitor, a girl visit--

The door finally open revealing the pervert and the girl, oh gosh! I want to cut that clinging arms of her!! And I want to erase that flirtatious smile on that bunny face!!

“you're jimin? Jungkook said to me everything...anyway I'm yugie, jungkook's childhood friend and ex...”

“oh...hi nice meeting you...” what the heck!! She was my husband's ex? I need to tie that bunny to make sure he'll behave!! Again I'm not jealous! I just don't want to -- why I'm even explaining?! It's for our grandparents wish.

“so -- you already know that jungkook and me is --”

“yeah...I know, I'm a bit sad that uncle kyungsoo did this to my jungkookie what the problem of this girl... And AHH!! I REALLY HAVE A THIN STRING OF PATIENCE FOR HER. STOP CLAIMING WHAT'S MINE!!

“oh~~I see...don't worry the engagement will be CANCELED, right Mr President?!” I said emphasising the word canceled, if that's what he wants fine! I will give it to him!

I about to walkaway but the annoying bunny grab my wrist and drag me...

Wow!! HOW GREAT MY LIFE IS!! I have a annoying pervert fiancee with a bitchy childhood friend...


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