▶Chapter 9: Just a little touch~~◀

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[ Author's POV ]

Jimin tried to push jungkook away made the other chuckled. "Are you pushing me? Try harder.." he mocked made the smaller frowned and hit him lightly mumbling ‘i hate you’ repeatedly.

Jungkook lean closer near the smaller's ear with a flirtatious smirk on his face, pulling jimin closer by his waist made the other grow nervous forgetting that there still other people inside the room.

"We both know that --  that wasn't true...you love me -- so do I..." Jungkook whispered giving the smaller a goosebumps.

‘did he just admit that...he-he LOVES ME!!!’ jimin squeals mentally still processing all the words came out in jungkook's mouth.

Blinking his eyes while staring at the taller blankly, jungkook flick his forehead lightly as he gave a quick peck on jimin's nose.

"Stop daydreaming while I'm in front of you...I can use that as an advantage..." He whispered again with a wink made the smaller snaps back in reality and writhes in his hold.

"Let go of me!! You crazy creepy pervert!!" Jimin shrieked.

"Woah...woah...calm your sexy bun baby...you don't want to be punish in front of them right?" Jungkook said casually following where jungkook's looking at, that made the latter realise that there was a few student staring at them. His rosy cheeks turned into bright red, burying his flushed face on jungkook's chest.

"Aww~~ my baby is shy now huh..." Jungkook coos brushing the smaller locks.

"Shut the fuck up! And asks them to leave! Or I will go to Mr. Kim and -- "

"You all can go -- " jungkook said sternly the atmosphere around  them change suddenly, and jimin knows there was a wrong word came out in his mouth. He felt how the taller hold got tightens, as the taller trying to look calm in everyone's eyes.

As soon as the door shut close, jungkook didn't waste time and let go of the smaller. Walking through the door to lock it, jimin watch it nervously he knows by now that his dead.

"What did you say again? You will go to --"

"OH! Look the next class will sta--" jimin cut off when jungkook pinned him on the wall gripping both of his hands above his head.

The tension between them grew stronger until jungkook began to rub his knees on the helpless doll lower region, made jimin let out a soft whimpered. He bite his lips to prevent another sound to escape looking at jungkook with pleading hooded eyes.

"Don't change the topic dear~~" jungkook mumbled inhaling jimin sweet scent. Rubbing his knees harder at the smaller hurting groin.

"Hmmm...ju-jungkook ple-AH! stop!" Jimin tried to utter but jungkook didn't give any ear for it. Instead he started devouring the latter's neck, giving butterfly kisses as he leaves purple marks on the smaller's milky skin.

Jimin tried not to emit any sound but failed at the sudden pleasure he was receiving by the taller, he gasps when jungkook squeeze his butt and jungkook took it as an opportunity to  explore jimin's sweet cavern. Moaning between their hot make out session as the smaller gave up and accept his hidden desire for the taller. Snaking his arms around jungkook's neck to deepening their kiss. No one wants to pull away but soon pulled away due of lack of air, catching their breaths jungkook rest his forehead against the other smiling cheekily as he rub his nose against the other.

"I only say it once...so listen carefully..." Jungkook said breathless cupping jimin's face. Jimin nod like a obedient puppy with a sparkling eyes. That made jungkook chuckled at the smaller cuteness.

"You... Park Jimin is mine... And don't you dare come closer or befriend with that Kim Taehyung" jungkook said, jimin just blink his eyes like a innocent child titling his head in the other side.

"Yah! Don't look at me like that I know...you know what I mean..." He sneered made the other giggled.

"Hmm...I understand..." Jimin only uttered with a sly grinned on his face.

"Aish...don't smile like that."

"Why? Is it bad to smile like this?"

"For others no...but for you yes --" he smile smugly.

"It made me want to take you here and there."

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