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As time went by, days becomes months, months becomes year and finally the most awaited day of their lives is finally arrived.

Everyone is busy in their own stuff especially the students, who are busy completing the stuff they'll be needed for them to be able to graduate.

"god...I don't know this shit will be this hard..." hoseok flopped his exhausted body on the couch unable to move.

"tsk...just say you have a lazy ass," yoongi tsked, while sitting next to him.

"how dare you to said that?!" hoseok sat up straight offended at yoongi's words, "...i keep walking back and fourth, while you just sitting there and bossing me around!" he added.

"it's not my fault if you are a good and obedient puppy, that complying my words." yoongi countered shrugging his shoulder, facing the pouting hoseok who is now doesn't know how to feel at the very moment. "don't look at me like I just committed a crime, I'm just stating a fact hoseokie~~"

"...but it's not an excuse to call me puppy!" the other whined stomping his feet in the air.

"why? What's wrong with that? Puppies are cute and so you do..." yoongi blurted bluntly shrugging his shoulder like it's nothing, while the man beside him trying to hide his flushed face.

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"aish! Can you stop tailing me?"

"no! Not until you promise me that you will give me that first button of your uniform..."

"ah! Don't be childish jimin ──"

"no! You listen! If you give that button to anyone other than me I will back OUT!! Did you hear me? I WILL BACK OUT!!" Jimin roared, walking off leaving the dumbfounded bunny.

"what special with this button?" jungkook asking himself. Caressing the said button jimin wanted. “maybe he has his monthly period.”


"I swear if he gave that to anyone I'm going to cancel our engagement!" jimin murmurs walking in fast pace, hands are clenching.

"hey! Jimi....nie..."

“don't talk to me now hyung, I'm not in the mood.” he warned the older as he keep his journey. Leaving the pouting hoseok.

“i really mean that shit, if he gave that to anyon──”

“YO! vice Pres. What's with that face?” yoongi approach him, slumping his arms over jimin's shoulder. “and you know, talking to yourself is bad, so stop mumbling something.”

“is jungkook really smart hyung?” jimin asked.

“he is... Can't you see? He always dominated the rankings...”

“so the saying is true, if you are smart ── your sense of humour and common senses is suck, cuz he is the perfect example of that...” jimin muttered, leading yoongi to chuckled and laugh out loud.

My Pervert Fiance [Jikook]✔Where stories live. Discover now