▶Chapter 15: Jeonlous Pt.2~~◀

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[ Author's POV ]

The things between the two got more intimate, after the incident with taehyung. Jungkook become more possessive and touchy especially when jimin is talking to other guy. Sometimes he killed them by his dead glared, mouthing them to fuck off and he's mine while the smaller is not paying attention.

On jimin side he's slowly getting used how the taller act, on how jungkook showed his affection and love towards him. Truly is kinda weird but for him, the taller pervertness drove him into different side of him; that even him doesn't know he has... The way jungkook touch him, the way he brushed his lips teasingly against his, and how his praised rolled out perfectly in his sinful mouth. It made the latter addicted to the taller.

Leaning against the wall head hang low while his tiptoe tapping the tiled floor, a sigh of frustration rolled out in his mouth as he glance at the big double door of their office. A pout slowly formed on his face when he remember how Jungkook kick him out.


Jimin is busy arranging the things they be needed for the orientation, one by one the room filled with new students. And the busy latter is not aware of it -- it makes him jump a bit in surprised clutching his chest when he saw that the room is already filled up, he shake his head before shooting his famous eyesmile greeting them gleefully. That action made them squeal silently and some of them fainted mentally.

Soon jungkook stepped inside eyes dilated on what he see, he can't believe that they're many new students wants to joined the council, but the amazement soon wipes away when he notice their real intention. He poked his inside cheeks that immediately notice by jimin.

Jimin is about to tiptoe to reach jungkook's ear, but before he could say anything. The taller command him to leave and wait outside, he didn't even spare a glance and with heavy heart jimin left the room with a pout. Totally clueless at the dozen pair of eyes watching his every move.

*Present Time...*

The door finally opened his eyes lit up seeing the first person coming out, without a second thought he run and launched his petite body against the other; causing jungkook to stumbled a bit but gain his balance. He chuckled enveloping the smaller in a tight hug, “bad kookie!!” jimin mumbled inhaling the taller scent.

“oh~~ did I upset my baby?~~” jungkook croons loudly enough for the student to hear, some of them are disappointed and jealous knowing that the smaller is already taken.

“shut up! How dare you do that to me!!” jimin grumbles still in jungkook's arms while hitting his back.

aish! Don't be a drama queen baby~~ I have a reason why I did that...” jimin frowned at his lover statement.

“reason my ass!” jimin retorted pushing jungkook away. But the taller held him tighter, licking his inner lobe, a smirk played on his face seeing the freshmen's reaction. Thrusting his wet tongue inside jimin's ear, causing the other let out a weak and soft moan. pre-president n-notHmmm~~” he tried to push jungkook away but only pursed his lips to prevent himself to moan again. With pleading hooded eyes, jimin's lips quivered shaking his head to plead jungkook to stop.

With a flushed face and breathless pant jungkook let go of the smaller allowing him to stands on his own feet, but it only made jimin collapse on the ground his knees is wobbling along with his whole body, glaring at his pervert lover who molested him in front of the bunch of student. He tried to get up but failed... it's like jungkook absurd all his energy, he can't even lift his hands.

“the show is over, you may all go now...” he said abruptly scrunching down, lifting jimin's head by his thumb. “and...” he speak halting students steps. “...you should know now that this doll beside me is my property.” before jimin could protest jungkook pressed his lips against jimin's devouring the latter passionately.

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