▶Chapter 13: Blackmail◀

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[ Author's POV ]

Jimin plopped his body on their shared bed out of exhaustion, resting his arms over his forehead as he shut his eyes in frustration. Suddenly a beep from his phone brought him in reality, trying to shrug the negative thoughts running in his head. His brows furrowed at the caller ID. The number is unknown and it took a brief of second before he accept the call.

"Hello?" the first words come out through his mouth, as he pursued his lips waiting for the other to response.

On the other line the man lips curves up hearing jimin's sweet voice, biting his lips before he answered. "Hello, jimin-shi..." He muttered.

Jimin's eyes narrowed at the familiar voice, "taehyung-shi?" he think out loud made the man chuckled on the other line, shaking his head at the younger confused voice.

"Yeah...it's me..."

"How did you get -- " but before jimin could finish his question taehyung interrupted him, answering the younger unfinished words like he can read what's on the latter's mind.

"I visit earlier but one of the staff says that both of you and jungkook is busy on your own errands, so I just asks him if he knows your number. " jimin mouth shape an 'o' at the man explanation.

"I see... Sorry if weren't there to accompany you and discuss about the ball."

"It's fine, " a devilish grin plastered on his face staring at the picture in his hand. Tracing his thumb on Jimin's features.

"I will talk to president Jeon to set a date for the meeting so we can settle everything." Jimin only heard a hum, but he can sense the other is thinking about something.

"What if we meet today? At the coffee shop near your school?" Jimin frowned 'is he trying to hit on me?' he asks himself refusing taehyung invitation.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim but I'm busy at the moment..."

"Hmmm... I see -- " he paused glancing at the picture in his hand. "...but I have something that can change your mind."


Taehyung lips curves up, seeing the familiar figure entering the place. He wipe away his smile and pulled on a poker face. "You're five minutes late..." He nonchalant, waving the picture in the air.

The panting jimin run up where taehyung is, crouching his tired body as he catches his breath. "Can't you see! I do all my best to get here! So give me the picture!" he breathed out, trying to snatch the said thing.

"Nah-ah-ah, sweet cheeks~ remember you're my slave? And you need to pay me for this." Taehyung blurted pulling away the picture out of the smaller reach, a creepy smirk crept on his face.

"Tell me, how - how can I pay you?!"

Taehyung stands in his seat, slowly sauntering at the smaller. "Your body -- I want your body... I want to see this expression in you while I'm touching you..." he breathed on the latter's ear. "Your expression is so erotic and inviting ~~ just staring at this satisfies me... But I wondered how you sounds like when I literally touched you." He added, pulling the petite boy against him.

"No!! I - I only allow the person I like to touch me! Not anybody!" he shouted, fist clenching eyes are tightly shuts.

"Well if that's the case-- all I need to do is make you like me..." he mumbled, grabbing the smaller wrist.

"Yah! Where we going!! Let go of me!" Jimin protested, yanking taehyung hold.

"Somewhere you can feel good..."


"Studio? Photo studio?"

"Oh~ taehyung-shi you're finally here, and oh~~ who is this cute guy?" the photographer ask.

"My partner for the photoshoot... " he bluntly say, looking at the confused boy. 'Cute' he chuckled.

"Okay, stylist make him more beautiful..." the photographer demands. And one of the girls immediately complied, dragging jimin in one of the fitting room.

"You really good taehyung-shi!" one of the woman exclaimed, fixing taehyung's tie. Taehyung rolled his eyes in the woman flirtatious compliment.

Everyone in the vicinity was mesmerized at the beauty in front of them... Especially taehyung who scanned the smaller from head to toe, licking his lips subconsciously.

"Ah!! Before you're cute! But now! You look like an Angel! The most beautiful one..." the photographer exclaimed fanning at jimin's beauty.

"Okay! Everyone in position!" he shouted. "Taehyung act lovey dovey!" he added, while the said man complied.

"Now you two kiss!!"

"What?! No!!" he tried to push taehyung away, but the other hold him firmly. Lifting his head forcefully.

'Jungkook' jimin chanted, closing his eyes. He knows that taehyung lips is only inch away from his, he can feel the obnoxious breath of the taller against his skin.

Until someone busted in, "What are you doing?" his voice is full of authority, glaring straight to the blonde male who's caging his fiancee in his arm.

Ju-jungkook!" jimin cried out.

"Its not what you think... I - I drop the picture and taehyung saw it and--" jimin hurriedly explained but intersect by taehyung.

"I blackmailed him... You know, you have a one of a kind boy~~ he's so erotic..." Taehyung intersect, made jungkook give him another deadly stare.

"I know... So stop chasing after him! Coz he's already mine..."


"Really? What if I release this? The President and Vice Pre--" before taehyung could continue his babbling, jungkook snatched jimin in his hold like a speed of light, eyes grows wide.

Jungkook kiss jimin forcefully, and taehyung stunned at the smaller expression. Hooded eyes, mouth bit agape, while jungkook pushed a finger in the latter's mouth.

"Oh my god!! Good shoot!!" The photographer exclaimed, happy at the poses.

"Release it -- I don't care... But let me remind you... don't lay a finger on my properties...
especially to this tempting bean"

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