▶Chapter 14: Almost ~~◀

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[ Author's POV ]

Jimin’s mouth left hanging open while they entered the hall, his eyes wandered around admiring the beautiful and exquisite interiors of the said place, classical music being played.

“Yah… jiminie can you close your mouth? Or you're inviting a fly to enter in it?” Hoseok whispered made him immediately close his mouth and low his head in embarrassment. The elder cooed at his cuteness, ruffling his soft locks.

“Ah! Hyung! You ruin my hair!” he whined stomping his feet like a child while pouting his plump lips, not aware at the pair of eyes watching him that full of lust.

“Oh! Here before I forgot…” Hoseok handed him a black glittery mask.

“Young master…” A man from mid40’s called taehyung. “Look how beautiful he was Mr. Kang…” Taehyung mumbled in dazed can’t tear off his gaze to the latter.

“I can see young master…” The man answered timidly gazing at jimin’s direction, he can’t deny; truly the latter is such a beauty and he can say that that young man can stole anyone attention.

“I want him for myself…” He breathed out. “…but he’s already with someone else..”

“but you’ll always get what you want…”his butler mused making the younger look at him.

“you’re right… I’m a Kim and I can get what I want and who I wanted.” He uttered his lips slowly formed in a smirk, sipping his drink before ogling at the other again.

“oh wait here I’ll just search for yoongi…maybe that grumpy is sleeping somewhere need to check on him.” hoseok said gaining a nod from the younger.

Jimin shake his head while watching hoseok’s back. “he need to make a move, it’s to obvious that he like yoongi hyung.” He mumbled, sauntering where the buffet is, eyes are widen seeing how many variety of foods were serve. “I think I’m in heaven…”

While jimin is busy munching all the food, taehyung approach him silently still with his glass of wine. “nice seeing you Mr. Park.” He greeted causing the other jump a bit in surprise.

“uhmm… same here M-Mr. Kim.” He smile nervously signaling the other to starts he plan. “are you drinking?” jimin asks looking at the glass taehyung holding.

“yeah…just to distract my headache…” he answered with a weak voice, and jimin being jimin, he lifted his free hand to check the taller temperature coz he swear taehyung is so red like he’s burning from the inside.

“oh my god! You’re burning!” jimin exclaimed as a cue taehyung began to act. He let go of the glass causing it to scattered on the floor, clenching his hand on his head. Jimin panicked seeing the older in pain, he shout for help but the music is louder than his voice.


“ahh! Just a bit more we’re almost there…” jimin said breathless supporting the weak taehyung.

After a lot of struggling jimin successfully reach the room, lying the half dead taehyung on the bed. He is about to stand up to get a basin but taehyung suddenly gripped his wrist, “don’t go…don’t leave me…” he whispered in dry voice.

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