▶Chapter 10: Date??◀

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[ Jimin's POV ]

Strolling around the area with this guy beside me wasn't easy, I want to poke all the eyes that can't stop looking at him!! Why he need to be so perfect? I mean look at him... He just wearing a plain shirt and ripped jeans but he's so AHHH!!! I shouldn't let him go with me, it kills me every time there was a girl drooling over him.

"...min! Yah! Park Jimin!!" Jungkook shouts next to my ear, I only blink at him in response he look at with narrowed eyes.

"I've calling you for over -- "

"Ah...sorry my mind is busy thinking something..." I sassed about to walk away but his fast enough to grip my wrist and pull me towards him.

"Can you tell me what's that ‘something’?" He whispered in my ear, I swear to god this side of him will kill me anytime soon!!

I tried to free myself but it made it worst, aish! Pabo me!! I should have known now that -- the more I try to distance myself or fight him can lead in the worst situation I can imagine. Now he literally back hugging me in the middle of the busy street.

"Let me go, jeon! Can't you see we're..."

"It's better to be shameless than to be a stubborn..." he mumbles resting his chin over my shoulder. Fuck! I want the ground open up and swallow me!!!

"Fine! I'll tell you! But let go of me first!" I command but he didn't listen, "just spill it out..." He said while his eyes are close. I can't believe I fall to this person.

"Fine! I'm not comfortable with you being with me..." I confess letting out a heave sigh.

"Is that so? You're too jealous --"

"What the!! I said I'm not COMFORTABLE not JEALOUS!!" I raged out causing the people look to our direction, I mentally facepalmed myself.

He chuckled shaking his head, ah!!! I really want to ripped off his head!!!

I feel his grip on got lessen and I took that as a cue to save my pretty ass in embarrassment. Running with all my strength, looking left and right to find a place where a can hide. And BINGO!! A photo booth! I hurriedly go in and claps my hands over my mouth; panting heavily. I didn't know buying a suit for the ball will be like this.

"Aish! Where the little thing go..." I heard jungkook voice outside, I tried my best not to make any sound but fuck!!! Because of my clumsiness I hit the button and the camera create a flash that can be seen outside.

"Got you!!!" Before I can run for my dear life he catch me and pulled back in the photo booth.

"Let me go!!"

"Why would I do that?" He panted and his hot breath hit my skin giving me chills.

"Coz I say so!!" I try to sound sassy.

"Oh~~ maybe after we took some picture, hmm?" He nibbled on my ear, as he start touching me. Roaming his warm big hands under my shirt, I gasp when he tweaks my nipple hard enough to make my groan but his other hands is over my mouth containing any sounds that can come out in my mouth.

"Jung...fuck!!" I hiss when he pull and twist my nipple hard.

"Shhh...keep it low baby~~ you don't want anyone enter this booth and saw us like this..." the devil whispered seductively making my lower region twitch.

"Let me go then..." I manage to uttered

"Hmm...not until you give me your best expression..." And with that he press the button, the flash of the camera blinded me a few shuttered shot and he let go of me. Fixing his shirt like nothing, when I thought he was going out -- but it caught me off guard when he suddenly pulled me closer and give a quick peck.

"Our little date will be fun~~" he stated with a smugly smile. Pulling me out of the booth and entwined our fingers, fetching our picture. I turned in crimson red when I saw it. "Wow! Your expression is really one of a kind!!" He exclaimed as he drag me.

This will be a tiring and crazy day for me... Aish how I end up fall for him deeper?

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