▶Chapter 12: Where it is?! ◀

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[ Author's POV ]

"Pre-ugh~~" jimin restraint himself to moan, biting his lower lip as his hand's clenched on jungkook's shoulder.

"Let me hear it baby~~ just one..." jungkook nibbled on the latter's neck, licking before sucking the smaller skin. Jimin shut his eyes tightly at the pleasure licking his own lips subconsciously, made the other smirk. "... do you still want to stop me jiminie ~~" he croons teasingly tugging the smaller bud, made him throw his head backward letting his moans escape softly. Looking at the evil in hooded pleading eyes.

"Ple-please jungkook..."

"Fine...but -- " he sighed in defeat but his infamous smirk took over his face, made the smaller shudder in fear and excitement. "We will continue this at home...and I will make sure to make you scream my name." he gave a last pinch before letting go the latter harden buds, which made the smaller wince in pain.

Jimin's face grew red, looking at jungkook with his exotic expression that the taller love to see. "Don't look at me like that..."  he bit jimin's earlobe, "it made me want to fuck you here and there," he whispered seductively, jimin bit his lips instinctively.

"Fuck! You are really inviting... " he hissed, latching his lips against the other plump one. Devouring the other face hungrily,  as his hands start to travel under jimin's uniform.

"Ah! I'm so excited at the upcoming ball, do you have a suit for it?" jimin push Jungkook away fixing himself when he heard hoseok voice from the outside. Just in time before the door flew open, he manages to fix himself swearing under his breath.

"Oh! President, jiminie you both here... " hoseok mused bit surprise, but a frown took over jungkook face. Rolling his eyes mentally as he pokes his inner cheek. Jimin notice the agitation in jungkook's behavior, made him giggle softly sending confusion in hoseok side. He tilted his head watching jimin giggled beautifully, it made his heart fluttered.  

"Jimin you have something to do right?" jungkook muttered snapping hoseok back in reality. The older laugh awkwardly noticing his mistake, even jungkook is calm and friendly he knows deep inside the younger fuming in jealousy.

*later on that day...at jikook apartment...*

The room filled with rustling sound, books flew everywhere while jimin grunts under his breath. 'Where the fuck it is?!' he grumbles flipping his bag causing the things there scattered on the floor.

"I know I put it here! But where that fucking picture goes! " he half yelled gripping his hair in frustration.

*earlier at school council office...*

"The president wasn't here, he has a class need to attend in." one of the staff inform taehyung.

"What about the vice?"

"Jiminie? Ah! He's in the library -- he's always killing his free time there." taehyung furrowed how the boy say the latter name like they so close to one another.

"Are you -- perhaps close to him?" his voice has a hint of jealousy but smile when the boy shook his head.

"Honestly, we barely talk -- we aren't close but he wants everyone to feel close to him by calling him that name... " the way the boy says those words are full of admiration.

"Do you like him?" taehyung bluntly asks which caught the boy off guard shaking his head vigorously.


Taehyung barks at the back of his head, its too obvious that the boy has a big crush on the latter, his voice is full of enthusiasm while his eyes glistening when the latter's name rolled out in his mouth.

"I see... it seems all of them are busy. " he was about to leave when something caught his attention.

A creepy smile soon plastered on his face. 

"Do you have jimin's phone number? "

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