▶Chapter 11: Outburst◀

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[ Author's POV ]

Walking like a lifeless doll, visible dark circle can be seen under his eyes, yawning madly cause of lack of sleep. Weekend supposedly a rest day -- but for the smaller it was the most tiring day he ever had. Rubbing his tired eyes like a child, continuing his journey with closed eyes.

"AH!!" he wailed in pain when his butt kiss the cold hard floor.

"You shouldn't walking while you're still in your dreamland..." His fist clenched subconsciously, biting his lips as he prevent to look up, avoiding any eye contact to the unsaid man. Slowly he stands up dusting his self, not daring to look at the guy in front of him. "What a meanie...jiminie ~~" jungkook croons teasingly. Lifting jimin's face by his thumb to look at him.

Jimin looks away so done at everything, he wants to push jungkook away and run -- but his body and mind is to tired. "Ah~~ why my baby looks so done and tired?" Jimin glared at taller groaning that 'it's all your fault' mentally. A soft yelp escape through his mouth, when jungkook suddenly squeeze his glorious bunbun!

"What the -- UGH!! YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M SO DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR DIRTY ANTICS!! YOU DON'T NEED TO MAKE MY PEACEFUL LIFE INTO A LIVING HELL IF YOU DON'T WANT THE ARRANGEMENT!! FOR GODDAMN SAKE JEON! I'M ONLY HUMAN WHO HAS LIMITATIONS!!" He burst in frustration, clenching his fist as he shouted it. He doesn't care if anyone could hear him, his too exhausted and his mind is jumbled right now that he can't think straight.

Jungkook stared at him in surprised, did his teasing got too far? He asks himself still in daze. "If you hate me this much, coz of that fucking promise -- " jimin took a deep breath, hands are shaking. He wants to continue the marriage of course -- but if jungkook doesn't like it, he can't do anything about it; yeah, he like the latter but he's not that desperate to force jungkook to tie him with him the rest of their lives. It will just make their life a living hell if they obeyed their grandparents promises, and like an old saying... Promises made to be broken. “let's cancel the engagement...” with that jimin left jungkook mystify, trying to absurd the smaller statements.


[Jimin's POV]

Should I pack my things? But what will I say to my parents? Ahh!!  I'm totally in doomed! If I go back in our house and they know about this shit -- they will surely kick me out and let me sleep on the street or worst they will disown me.


can you enlightened me about this ‘all my fault’ thing.

Oh, speaking of the devil, how long he's been there? I rolled my eyes and about the leave but he grab my wrist and spun me to face him.

Are you deaf or what?

Oh~~ I heard something...but I think it just a mosquito.

I sneered yanking his hands off of me, a long heave sighs escape in his lips. As he make me face him again, I really want to beat the shit out of him right now -- but y'all know I can't do that

Stop acting like a child will you?!

I just give him a ‘ I'm so done with you look. ’ for god freaking sake!!! I think the word leave doesn't exist in his vocabulary! I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I try the free my wrist in his hold which I successfully did.

First, and foremost I'm not acting like a child! It's you all along! You know what?! I don't fucking care if my parents disown if I choose the cancel this BULLSHIT! COZ TO BE HONEST I'M SO DONE WITH YOU! I'M STILL IN THE RIGHT STRAIGHT OF MIND, AND I LOVE MYSELF MORE THAN YOU!

My steps being halted because of his words and realization hit me! Fuck jimin why you said you love him!

So you already admitting it? That the sassy cutie PARK JIMIN L.O.V.E me.

I felt my cheeks heated up coz of embarrassment, I didn't answer nor face him. How can I? If I myself know I'm a blushing mess!!

I flinched in sudden contact, he rest his head over my shoulder as his arms slowly wrapping around my waist. My breath hitched when his hot breath touches my bare skin.

Tell me jimin, why we need to cancel it? You love me right? So do I... I thought -- I made it clear to you.

His intoxicating minty scent send me somewhere else, like how his touch send shiver through my spine and bring butterflies in my stomach. His soft kisses against my skin put me in spell lead me to tilt my head to the other side giving him more access; I could tell his thin lips formed a smirk in just a second before he spun me around. Cupping my face giving me a hasty kiss. I'm stuck between daze and amusement, trying to absurd his confession.

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