▶Chapter 4: Am I a Masochist?◀

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Author's POV

Jimin collapsed out of exhaustion and over fatigue, luckily jungkook was fast enough to catch the latter before his fragile body meet to cold wooden flooring.

He carried the unconscious boy straight to the infirmary, “you're such a careless mochi...” he chuckled glancing at the latter.

As they arrived he carefully laid the smaller on the bed, checking his pulse and temperature. “you still manage to perform despite of your condition.” he whispered as he leaned down to steal a kiss.

Meanwhile, Hoseok run straight to infirmary worried about the younger condition, he step in welcomed by a scene that made him froze, the president kissing the vice president.

“oh, hoseok-hyung you're here...” jungkook faced the older with his bunny smile not bothered if the other witness something inappropriate. Hoseok laugh awkwardly when jungkook cornered him.

“what you see here -- ”

“I will keep it a secret...” the older hurriedly blurted out. Made the other smile, “thanks hyung...and oh! I saw your confession to him.” he came close to the older.

“jimin is already mine...” he whispered in hoseok ear, made the other trembled in fear. The was not terrifying but jungkook's face is...


Jimin's POV

After the incident jungkook was a bit distance to me... I'm not complaining or anything it just weird that all of the sudden he act like... Ugh!! That monster is unreadable. He really confuse me!! He really knows how to play with my feelings...

I'm walking in the hallway, President is with hoseok-hyung... I felt so bad, for rejecting him... But even I rejected him, his bright smile still on his face that time... He's to precious to be with me.

I let out a long heave sigh, before I go in my class. It flow like usual but the difference is... I didn't pay any attention nor interest towards the lesson. my mind keeps bugging how jungkook treat like nothing.

Usually he will tease me or touch me when we're alone... But after I collapse he become distance and cold, and the silent treatment he doing when we're at home killing me.

I'm zoning off out of anger and I didn't notice the bell already rung and my classmate already left the room. I sigh for the nth times.

“where are you planning to attend college?” I heard a girl asks her friend, I'm not eavesdropping to them... They just talk too loud.

“I'm planning to go to the college, where jungkook will be attending.” do I heard it right or I need to clean my ear? She gonna stalk my husband? Why would I be bothered? That girl wasn't jungkook type.

Okay... First, I'm not jealous I just felt bad for them coz they fall in a wrong person like I was before; second, I didn't call him ‘my husband’ on purpose I just carried away y'know old habit. And lastly I don't care nor bothered if she will attend the same college with my jungkook!!! I'M REALLY NOT!!

I took a deep breath before walking pass them, I need to get out of here before I could do a thing that I will regret in the end.

I need to review and study hard!! I need to catch up my grades so I can attend the same college with him.

Just to make it CLEAR I didn't like him nor LOVE him... I just want to bothered him.

I froze when I saw the man I don't want to see, I thought he will come home late?

Should I go? Or not?

I sigh for the million times!! That's the only thing I can do when I'm frustrated or nervous. And now I feel both, I close my eyes and calm myself.

You just need to walk in there and get water, you can do it chim!! Cockroach is more scary than that coconut head.

I cheered myself up, and walk pass by him, just what I expected he ignores me.
I was about to go back in the living room, when he suddenly speak. “I heard you want to go at the same college where I got in.”

Shit!! I hope the ground opened and eat me alive. “you really like me that much don't you?” I want to erase that annoying smugly smile on his face!!!

“don't be too full of yourself...” I retorted, and walk away... But he pulled me causing me to stumble and fall on his laps.

“so -- you don't like me? ” he whispered in my ears sending shivers in my spine, I hate him... But the way he touch me, tease me...is so --

ah...” I moan unconsciously when he caressed my thigh. I hate how his touch affect me in so many ways.

“maybe -- you don't mind if we canceled this engagement...” my eyes went wide when I heard it.


“you don't like, you hate right? So better to can--”

“NO! I - I mean how about our parents? The--”

“they will understand ... you know, this engagement will end up a disaster if we force our self in this...”

“...but no one is forcing me,” I whispered unconsciously.

hmmm... You really want to be my wife...” he chuckled made me realize that I think it out loud.

“it's not wha--mmhhhm~~” he kissed me hungrily like he always does, and I honestly I miss how his lips devour mine.

I snaked my arms around his neck while he fixed my position. He titled my head to deepened the kiss as his hands began to explore my body.

He's a sadist and the way he treats me... I'm-- I'm starting to liking it, Am I a masochist ?


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