Epilogue: Our Life After Five Years

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“president Jeon here’s the paper you need to sign and your meeting with Mr. Choi will start in 15 minutes…”

“okay… leave it there,” Jungkook said while gawking at his secretary. The male bowed and about to leave when the young boss halted his way out, “aren’t you going to cheer me up? Or at least give me a goodluck kiss.” He said with a wide smile on his face.

“I don’t think any of it is appropriate president Jeon, beside you have a husband that can do it for you.” With that said the smaller male bowed and continue his walk.

“aish! How can I do that if he is so strict and keep saying be professional, huh?” he whined causing the other chuckled followed by a cute giggled he love the most.

aish, I thought you've change -----but you still that pervert president that meet five years ago.”

“but this pervert is the one you love…” Jungkook boasted and all jimin can do is agree on it.

“yeah~ yeah~ too full of yourself.”

“stop talking and come here… I need to indulge my vacant time with my sexy secretary~” jimin sigh in defeat do what his husband said.

“be professional for once kookie…” he lectured but the other ignore it, and when the smaller is in his reach. He immediately pulled jimin by his wrist causing the other stumbled on his laps.

“what are you talking about? I’m a professional -----it’s my vacant and I’m using it,” jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook but Jungkook ignore it and nuzzled his nose on jimin’s crook. Blowing hot air sending shiver to jimin’s spine, “sometimes I hate being here in office ------” he nibbled on the latter’s neck leaving soft kisses.


“I really hate this place,” he whispered as he maneuver jimin’s position to face him, caressing the smaller chubby cheeks with glimmering eyes ----it made the smaller weak and melt at his touch: staring with each other with so much love Jungkook lean forward capturing jimin’s plump one. First the kiss is gentle and full of love but it escalated to a heated one, tugging jimin’s bottom lip asking for permission. The other granted it opening his mouth lightly just enough to enter jungkook’s tongue. The once silent room filled with muffled moans and groans, jimin didn’t notice that he is grinding on jungkook’s clothed member unintentionally not until Jungkook hold him still and broke the kiss.

“stop grinding on me or I’ll be in the meeting with a painful boner.” He panted holding jimin’s waist, resting his forehead against the other.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mea----”

“I know baby, I know…” a minute of silent falls on them, catching their own breathes as they both lost in each other loving stares.

“do you think jihoo wants a baby brother or sister?” Jungkook finally speaks ending the silent upon them, jimin just stared at him with his cute baffled expression. “..,you know I’m was planning to take a week or month vacation,” and now jimin’s brows knitted looking at Jungkook with a ‘what do you mean’ look. Jungkook just chuckled at his husband cuteness -----five years had pass but the latter is still the same; still have that charm that always take away his breath. And every time he was looking or staring at the smaller -----jimin becomes more and more beautiful leading him to fall deeper.

“are you planning to left me behind and relax all by yours-----”

“aish! This small bean, when I said vacation of course you and jihoo is included their I can’t left the reason why I’m taking a vacation… it will be our second honeymoon and who knows, when we go back we’re four…” he winked, it takes a few second before Jungkook words sink in ----in jimin’s hanging brain, his eyes widen as he hit Jungkook arms lightly hiding his blushing face behind his cute paws.

“ya---yah! S---stop being pervert for once…” jimin tried to sound annoyed and hide his precious smile, but Jungkook know him well ----and he know his baby, his jiminie, his husband is happy. Pulling the smaller for a tight hug Jungkook whispered  ‘I LOVE YOU’ repeatedly.

“I love you too, Jeon Jungkook I always will…” a loud ring ruined their sweet moment, Jungkook groaned while the smaller is giggling standing up from his seat.

“playtime is over, and be a professional boss Mr. Jeon c’mon stands up and do your errands.” Jimin said playfully patting jungkook’s head, the taller only sigh in defeat standing up from his seat with heavy heart while looking at jimin with his doe eyes.

“ah~ it will not work for me this time kook. So go now!”

fine…you act like you are the boss…” he murmurs

“did you say something?” jimin rose his left brows arms crossed over his chest.

“nothing commander…I said you are sooooooooo bootifullllllllll and I LOVE YOU.” He said before running out the room.

Jimin smile fondly staring at the door where Jungkook come out, “I can’t say that out love story is the best ----but for me it is, our crazy love story that starts in a little crush and end up in a married life: sometimes you annoy me, tease me but it is the same time I smile and laugh… were both possessive that make us perfect for each other. And I’m still looking forward for our future with our child. ”


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