▶Chapter 8: JEONLOUS◀

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[Author's POV]

He stared at him with fiery eyes killing the other in his mind, he cleared his throat standing up to catch the man attention, but he failed the other seemed not interested on what they talking to. It made his blood boiled not to mention how he look at the man across him, he lick his lips lusciously admiring jimin's plump lips.

‘I want to feel that luscious lips around my Cock!!’ the man said to himself doesn't care about the other presence.

“it seems like Mr. Kim is not with us... Can you share what's on your mind?” he said sternly, but taehyung shrug it off and look back at jimin.

On the other hands jimin sense the annoyance in jungkook's words, he can see how the taller clenched his jaw just to restrained himself for outburst. He follow where jungkook looking at and it landed to the man in front of him.

His face dusted in pink seeing how taehyung look at him intensely, like he wants to eat him alive. He look away just to avoid the other gaze, but he can still feel the piercing stare of the man across him.

“is Mr. Park, more interesting than our project?” jungkook cackled, finally taehyung pay attention to him. The other grinned as he look back to the said man.

“yea...he is more interesting ...” he muttered, resting his elbow on the table as he rested his chin at the back of his palm, “so... Mr. Park do you have someone? Or boyfriend in particular?” he asked unfazed.

And that question reached jungkook's limit, he slammed his hands on the table causing to make a loud thud, made the smaller and the others jolted. Jimin look at him worriedly, by the way jungkook looks right now: he can say that the taller had enough; jungkook face is in a deep crimson red due of anger his knuckles turning white.

He panicked, he stands up and run to the taller to calm him down, it made taehyung furrowed. As soon jimin is beside him, jungkook pulled him by the waist looking at the annoyed alien, victorious smirk playing on his face as he lean down to peck jimin's plump lips. Everyone gasps except to taehyung who's fuming inside.

“I think you got the answer now.” he mocked, pulling jimin closer leaving no space between them.

‘so what if they are together? I can still steal that cutie...’ he thought, a challenging smirk plastered on his face.

“I got it -- but it doesn't mean I CAN'T steal him from YOU...” he winked at the latter, made jimin blush  lowering his head to hide his flushed face, jungkook poked his inner cheeks, eyes mentally rolled at the back of his head. Tightening his hold at jimin's waist, made the smaller yelp.

Jimin tried to pull away but jungkook didn't let him instead the taller leaned in to his ear, goosebumps...jungkook words give chills through his spine.

‘be a good kitten...if you don't want to be punish...’

Seeing jimin's priceless expression made him squeals internally. Not only because the smaller cuteness but how erotic his expression can be. How his eyes beautifully  dilated, how his lips makes curves and how his cheeks dusted with pink.

Jimin swallowed the lump in his lungs, sweat began to roll down on his forehead, as he smile forcefully pushing jungkook lightly.

“but it seems like my KITTEN is not like others -- he is loyal...” he fired back, and now taehyung is the one controlling his anger. He smile fakely excusing himself.

“let just cut it off and do what the cutie suggested.” he said fixing his shirt.

“okay, then...a masquerade ball.”

By that word taehyung exited with a fiery determination to steal the small ball, on his enemy arm.

“just wait and see...your claiming kitten will be mine -- in no time.” taehyung whispered with a creepy smile crept on his pretty face.


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