▶Chapter 18: Make up... Make out~~◀

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[ Author's POV ]

Jimin shut the door harshly after entering their room, doesn’t care if he broke it… all matter to him is how Jungkook accused him. And how that stupid bunny bring all the blame on him; stomping his feet as he spat ‘idiot, stupid, pabo’ repeatedly.

“is that all for me?” he jump in surprised facing Jungkook in a fighting position. Instead of answering taller’s question which is the answer is too obvious, he ignored him and walk straight to his room.

“YAH JEON JIMIN I’M TALKING TO YOU!!” Jungkook screamed hoping that the latter will talk back after calling him ‘Jeon Jimin’ but a loud thud of the door replied to him, massaging his temple as he glance back at jimin’s bedroom door. A creepy smile began to appeared on his face as he go to his room to get the things he will needed in his plan.

Its already past midnight and Jungkook still wide awake while the small bean is already in his peaceful slumber, curling his small body into a ball as he covered his body with the thick covers. Not aware at the wolf outside ready to attack.

Jungkook called jimin multiple times checking if the latter is already fall asleep, and when he didn’t get any answer he knocked enough to disturb the smaller on what he is doing if ever jimin is awake. After a few knocks and still doesn’t get any answer he fished out his duplicate key, entering the room without any hustle.

Closing the door carefully before sauntering where the latter peacefully sleeping, “why you’re so sensitive? You are worse than a pregnant woman…” jungkook whispered tucking jimin’s bangs behind his ear. Trancing his fingertips on jimin’s features, his breath hitched as his thumb caressing jimin’s plump lips.

Licking his lips unconsciously hovering on top the smaller, slowly pulling the covers away. Jimin only wear a thin T-shirt and a boxer, jungkook drooled seeing the heavenly thighs of the latter. Hand slowly caressing it up and down causing the sleeping boy stirred on his bed, slapping jungkook’s hands away.

“look at you…so beautiful --- so inviting~~” he mumbled attaching his lips against the other, slowly moving it as he cupped jimin’s face. Sleepy jimin tried to push the person suffocating him, eyes slowly opened revealing Jungkook on top of him kissing him slowly and passionately.

“jung-hmmm…” he muffled jimin’s words sliding his tongue smoothly inside the smaller’s mouth tasting each side before sucking jimin’s tongue harshly. Causing the other to pulled away to catch his breath.

“jimin…” Jungkook murmurs resting his forehead against the other, while caressing jimin’s fluffy cheeks gently. “I’m sorry, okay? I just try if you ---”

“shut up and kiss me!! ” jimin cut him off latching his swollen lips against jungkook. Lips moving in sync as their hands traveled on each other bodies. Jungkook finds his ways to jimin’s nape holding it firmly titling it a bit to deepened the kiss, while jimin hands gripping on jungkook’s locks.

“if you dare do it again… I won’t think twice to cancel the engagement…” jimin warned after broking the kiss only being pinned on the soft mattress.

“and once I heard you say that words again… I won’t think twice too to fuck you --- and show them who you belong to.”

Clothes thrown in the air, as whine, moan, whimpered and deep groaned filled the air along with the stingy scent of sex.

Skin slapping “oh! Shit!! Ri-right there daddy… RIGHT THERE!!” jimin moaned biting the sheet as Jungkook complied to his request hitting the same spot over and over again.

“oh~~ so tight…” Jungkook groans trailing small kisses on jimin’s back, pace become faster and faster catching his own high. The burning sensation starting to build up in the pit of his stomach when jimin warned him that he is near.

“hold on baby… let’s came together shall we?” with one deep hard thrust the both came, filling jimin’s hole.

“tha-that was --- ”

“amazing…” kissing jimin’s crown, pulling the exhausted boy in his arm.

“let’s just cleaned up tomorrow…” jimin hummed in response falling in his deep slumber while Jungkook left wide awake recalling what just happened. Soon a wide smile plastered on his face.

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