Chapter 19: Old Memories

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"This is it," Steve told Natasha.

"The file came from these coordinates," she added.

"So did we," Y/N replied.

They went around the place, looking for where the signal was coming from.

"This camp is where we were trained," Steve explained.

"Changed much?" Natasha wondered.

"A little," Y/N answered.

They siblings had visions, remembering when they were small and the sergeant worked them to death. It felt as if they actually watching their past play out right in front of them.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off," Natasha said.

The Americas noticed a building a little ways away.

"What is it?" Natasha asked them.

They walked over there as Steve explained, "Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks."

"This building is in the wrong place," Y/N added.

Steve smashed the lock with his shield and they went inside. They turned the lights on and saw it's a SHIELD office.

"This is SHIELD," Natasha said.

"Maybe where it started," Y/N replied.

They continued to look around until they saw old framed portraits of Howard Stark, Peggy, and Col. Chester Phillips.

"There's Stark's father," Natasha said.

"Howard," Steve answered.

"Who's the girl?" Natasha asked.

Steve didn't reply and walked around to keep looking. Natasha looked at Y/N, a little confused.

"It's complicated," Y/N whispered.

Natasha nodded in understanding.

They stopped in front of a massive book shelf.

"If you're already working in a secret office," Steve commented, he and Y/N pushed the books shelf to reveal an elevator behind it, and continued, "Why do you need to hide the elevator?"


A/N Uncovering the past will definitely reveal some unknown and history.

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