Chapter 1.

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Do you remember how we first met?

Your family had moved to town and your younger sister was in the same year as me as we embarked in two years of sixth form and she had fast become my best friend, you, on the other hand, had gone to university a four hour drive away from your new family home and I had yet to meet you. The most I had seen was the family pictures around the house and even then I thought nothing of them.

That is until the day you had come home for a long weekend to visit along with a big bag of laundry for your mum to do, your sister had called you lazy when she saw the bag when we had gone into the kitchen to make everyone lunch as you caught up with your parents about your first two months at university. Your sister told me all about you in the ten minutes it took us to make the sandwiches and drinks.

When we joined you and your parents your sister made a joke about how she was amazed you even got into a good university late alone had made it the two months you had been there, you called her an idiot and I laughed... You smiled at me for the first time right there.

My crush on you begun and you and your sister had no idea.

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