Chapter 9.

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Do you remember when you finally asked me to be your girlfriend?

Two mind blowing butterfly causing kisses later you finally asked me on a date.

The first kiss outside my dorm building.

The second kiss a day later, you saw me across the courtyard as I sat with a few friends and just came up to me ignoring your friends and mine and kissed me again like it was no big deal and we did it all the time, once your lips left mine you whispered how you wanted to do that all day before leaving with your friends as mine asked me a million questions.

All of which I didn't have an answer for, still having no clue why you had kissed me the first time let alone the second. 

Not that I didn't ask after our first kiss.

Your lips left mine and we just looked at each other for a moment both taking in what had just happened, finally I asked you what the kiss was for and you just smiled at me turned around and walked back to your dorm as I stood watching until you went out of view.

No answer or text or even carrier pigeon.

The day of the second kiss you sent me a text, how romantic of you informing me you would be taking me out the following night on a date, told me to wear a nice dress and something warm.

I was finally going on a date with you, seventeen-year-old me would have freaked out. heck nearly 20-year-old me was freaking out but mostly I was just over the moon.

You met me outside my dorm room a smile on your face that I still think of to this day as you offered me your hand, you drove half an hour away to a lovely restaurant were we talked and joked and shared memories as you made me blush about the time I walked in on you in the bathroom back at your house in only your boxers.

That was the first time I saw you topless by the way.

Or the time your surprised as one weekend when I was sleeping over and had a face mask on, something your sister told me would help get rid of the spots I was breaking out in that whole weekend.

When the end of the date came and you drove us back I didn't want it to end, I noticed how you took the long way home though. You walked me back to my dorm building curfew already been and gone so having to stay outside as you wished me a good night.

I didn't know if you was going to kiss me again but boy did I hope you would, then as we said goodnight and I took my first step leading towards the doors of my building you took my hand and stopped me going any further.

That was when you kissed me for the third time, no reason needed this.

Then out foreheads touching as the kiss came to an end and with my eyes still closed taking in this moment you quietly said into the air, will you be my girlfriend?

Then I kissed you for the fourth time.

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