Chapter 2.

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Do you remember our first Christmas holidays together?

My crush had fully bloomed, we had become Facebook friends after that first weekend together and I remember you posting a picture of you about to drive home for the Christmas holidays. I made a point of texting your sister asking if I could come over... She said yes.

Your sister wanted us to go out, do some Christmas shopping together and I was worried we would miss you arriving home, I knew there was just under three hours left before you should have pulled up. I made her rush around the city grabbing her last minute shopping telling her I didn't like the Christmas crowd, we got home twenty minutes before you arrived.

Your parents asked your sister and me to help you unpack, you had brought more laundry and of course, presents. Your sister said her present better be good, you had brought her new makeup brushes that year she acted like it was a boring present but she was secretly pretty happy with them.

You even brought me some chocolate, I had brought you some memory sticks recalling how over the weekend we had met you had mentioned about how you can never have enough. You were pretty happy with them and called me the best.

Your parents had invited me and my parents to a new years party they were hosting, I was so excited. I got dressed up spent way too long on my hair and makeup and not to mention the outfit was brand new, all in hope of impressing you or at least catching your attention, trying to make the two year age gap seem like nothing.

Only to turn up and not be able to find you in the crowd, I finally asked your sister where you were only to find out you had left yesterday to spend new years with your girlfriend. I didn't know you had a girlfriend, it wasn't facebook official, it turns out it was pretty new. I was pretty upset.

The next morning I woke up to see it facebook official along with a picture you were tagged in of the two of you kissing as the clock struck midnight and fireworks were going off in the background, She was blonde and tall like a model and I remember thinking how I was the complete opposite of what she looked like.

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