Chapter 7.

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Do you remember when you stalked me?

After the events that took place the night of the party I had made the decision to give you as much space as possible, no longer would I be the annoying friend of your sister's. I had been doing a good job of it as well for two weeks and I wasn't planning on stopping any time soon, having learned where your favourite places were and what time you went to them I made sure to plan my day around them times.

Just so we wouldn't accidentally bump into each other like we sometimes did.

I don't think you noticed at first, not until you had texted me offering me a ride home in the upcoming weeks when it would be time for Christmas break, I'd lied texting back that a friend was going in the same direction and I was going to catch a lift with them.

Truthfully I had already bought a train ticket.

The next day after my classes as I walked back to my dorm room I had turned down the hall towards my room only to see you sitting on the floor outside my room, I froze on the spot and debated if it was too late to make a quick dash back down the stairs. But you had already seen me as you got back on your feet sending me one of your signature smiles.

I took a deep breath before smiling back and closing the distance between us already getting my key out of my bag, after saying our hellos you came right out with it and asked me if I had been ignoring you. I faked surprise and told you I would never and I had been really busy with assessments, what with the end of term coming along.

You said how you hadn't seen me around at any of the parties.

Once again I told you how I was simply too busy.

Following me into my room you shut the door behind you before calmly asking me if the events from the party were bothering me, I had assumed you meant the stuff I couldn't remember happening not the underlying truth of what you had said when you thought I couldn't hear you.

I said yes in hopes of getting you off my back and dropping the subject.

I didn't expect you to tell me how you would take me to the party this weekend and not leave my side.

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