Chapter 13.

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Do you remember when you asked me to move in?

When you finished university and I still had a year left I cried my eyes out at the idea that there would be four hours between us as you were going to move back home, I played the part of the proud girlfriend as you graduated and even helped you pack your car full of your stuff.

The worst part was that with the month we had left together, we were both super busy. Me with finishing off last minute assessments and filling out paperwork for my last year and you going back and forth to home trying to find a job that you could go straight into.

In our final week together you told me you were taking me somewhere special, I had assumed it would be our last date before you moved back home, I got dressed up like you told me too and had to redo my makeup at least twice because I ended up crying at the idea it would be our last date for who knows how long.

You had told me how you would come to visit me every other weekend and I would come home on the weekends you didn't, but we both knew that wouldn't last for long you couldn't know you wouldn't have to work on the weekends and we both know how busy university can be once it starts up.

We were in the car for fifteen minutes when you pulled up into an apartment block, I wondered what kind of date you were taking me on as you got out the car and I couldn't see anywhere to eat or go that would work out as a date.

You opened my door and nodded your head for me to get out without saying a word you lead me into one of the apartment blocks into an elevator on the fourth floor.

Fourth floor, sixth door on the right, apartment number twenty-eight. You pulled out a set of keys and opened the door, there wasn't much inside a sofa and tv a small kitchen with a bathroom just as small.

You showed me the second key and told me it was mine if I wanted it, you had gotten a job half an hours drive away from the apartment and wanted me to move in with you. I burst into tears at the fact you weren't leaving and then again at the fact you were asking me to move in with you, you were earning enough to pay the rent and enough for savings.

You told me the place isn't the nicest but it was the only place you could find close enough to university and your work that would mean we would still be able to see each other every day.

I said yes.

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