Chapter 8.

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Do you remember our first kiss?

I know I certainly do.

We had gone back to normal, well not quite normal something had changed between the two of us, I just don't know what. We went to that party and you stuck by my side the whole night even when I told you to go hang out with your friends or when I pointed out the girl that spent the whole night watching you, I didn't want to be that annoying girl you thought I was.

You even started hanging out with me a lot more than you used to, the norming after the party I went on my morning run like normal only to find you at the bottom of the steps of my dorm waiting for me to come back, you had two coffees in your hand and a smile on your face as you greeted me with an outstretched coffee.

It was then I told you how I don't like coffee as your face fell and you put the paper cup in the bin.

The next day you turned up with a hot chocolate with marshmallows no cream, your sister told me in one of our emails later that week that you had got in touch with her asking what my favourite hot drink was, I did wonder how you knew to ask for it without cream.

A couple weeks later I got ill with a cold that was going around campus, you turned up with soup and tissues and we watched films on my laptop together as you kept asking if there was anything else I needed.

That weekend as a celebration of a good grade I got while having the flu, you took me out for dinner as a job well done.

Then the weekend after that your roommate had gone away for the weekend you had invited me around to spend the whole weekend with you, full of movies studying and plenty of food. It was great it was like when you used to visit and I would tag along on one of the days you spent with your sister, although this time it was just the two of us. Although we did facetime her at one point before she went to a party.

She called us lame for staying in all weekend.

Sunday as our weekend came to an end and I walked back to my dorm room our time together kept running through my mind making me smile for no reason at all as I relived the memories we had made.

I was in my room about to go to bed, pyjamas on hair in the messiest of buns and a face free of makeup when my phone starts ringing and your name flashes up and I assume I had forgotten something at yours, having already texted you to tell you I got home safe.

You were outside my building and asked me to come downstairs, after putting the phone down I did a quick check on all my books I had brought back with me to make sure they were all there, they were.

I came downstairs and as I pushed the door open you stopped on the spot, I had watched you through the window on the door pacing back and forth before I had come out.

I asked what you were doing here as I walked down the steps and without saying a word you met me on the bottom step as you reached for my face a hand on each side as you pulled me forward and suddenly your lips were on mine.

You were finally kissing me.

Something I had only dreamed off was finally happening and I didn't have a clue why.

It took a moment for me to finally react after the shock wore off but I kissed you back and it was more than I could ever wish for, I didn't want it to end.

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