Chapter 6.

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Do you remember the night of the party?

I had quickly come to learn that university had a different party each weekend, for the first three you had kept an eye on me as I stayed by your side while you introduced me to everyone, I had found out how popular you were at these parties as everyone came up to you.

Then things started to change as I started hanging out with my new friends more at these parties, but I always made a point of finding you and saying hello. Something I thought you didn't have a problem with until one night changed all that.

This was the party that something happened that changed things between the two of us, you remember how it ended, how I was a drunk mess and you had to come and save me. You don't know the reason behind why I got drunk.

Like most parties I went around trying to find you to say hello and have our normal conversation that had become the new normal at these parties, you were flirting with another girl nothing new you did this at most parties I had come to notice. But this time when I came over to say hello you were already with the girl.

We briefly spoke about out weeks and you ended the conversation telling me to stay safe like normal, I had noticed the glares coming from the girl standing next to you as she kept her arms wrapped around you as if to claim you.

What you didn't notice as I was leaving was that I walked up the stairs that you and the girl were leaning against, meaning I heard what you told her when she asked who I was. How I was your sister's annoying little friend who follows you around.

I rushed upstairs to one of the free bathrooms where I stayed for half an hour crying.

To you I was just an annoying friend of your little sister's who followed you around, I had thought we were at least friends. Once I had gotten over the first wave of tears I redid my make up and head back downstairs to enjoy the rest of the party.

Some guys were in the kitchen pouring shots for everyone, I can't remember how many I had as its somewhere around here things get a little hazy.

Because the next thing I remember is waking up in your bed in your dorm room as your roommate sneaks out of the room, you were fast asleep on the floor on a makeshift bed you had made. I couldn't remember how I had gotten there and as I tried to get out of your bed and leave without making any noise you woke up with a moan about how your back hurt.

I smiled shyly at you as memories started to resurface of why I was such a state in the first place, I was drinking to forget what you had said about me to your latest hook up. Now here I was having probably ruined your night with her.

You asked me how I felt, I admitted I was hungover, you got me a bottle of water and come painkillers before sitting next to me on the bed. You asked what I remembered about last night and I feared I had yelled at you about what I had heard you say in my drunk state.

I shook my head no and you informed me on how one of your friends had come and told you I was near enough passed out drunk and surrounded by boys none of your friends knew, you had come in to find me pushed up between a kitchen counter and guy who had his hands all over me. You had pulled me away from the guy and it was then I noticed the bruise knuckles on your right hand, we both didn't say anything about it and I felt terrible about it.

You filled me in on how you took me back to my dorm building only to get outside the building and for me not to remember the passcode to get into the building pass curfew, you then decided to take me back to your room where you tucked me into bed for the night and I fell fast asleep.

Now here's the thing, after being head over heels in love with you for the past two years I got pretty good at telling when you were lying or leaving something out, having fast learned your habits. I never admitted it to you but I knew there was something you weren't telling me.

I never did ask.

I thanked you before making a quick exit out of your room and out of the building.

I tried my best to keep out of your way for three weeks after that, if I saw you in the food court I would quickly leave before you saw me and if you were walking down a hallway I would find the best place to hide as you walked past.

For whatever I did when I was drunk... I'm sorry.

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