Chapter 3.

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Do you remember when your relationship ended?

I know I do, your relationship status changed on facebook and I tried really hard not to like the new single post.

Your relationship with the wannabe model lasted two months and a week, you came back in February having been single for two weeks. Your sister joked she dumped you because of your face, you told her you dumped her because she was jealous of any girl he spoke too. I was just glad you were single and back home even if it was for the weekend and your dads birthday, I made sure I slept over that weekend even celebrating your dads birthday with your family.

You even commented on how I was pretty much another sister, apart of me panicked I didn't want you to see me as another sister. I wanted you to think I was pretty and funny and a potential girlfriend.

We spent the weekend catching up, watching movies and playing games.

It was amazing.

Though to be fair it was amazing anytime any time you came to see your family.

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