Chapter 21.

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I remember the phone call.

I was at work when my manager walked up to me, a serious look on his face. I had recalled all the things I did that day and thought about what I could have done wrong to get me fired or in trouble.

He asked me to follow him to his office.

He shut the door and told me to take a seat.

I hadn't done anything to get me in trouble all week, I remember thinking. He sat in the chair next to me instead of on his side of the desk.

You had an accident at work.

You were in hospital.

I ran out after finding out what hospital grabbed my keys, left everything else behind as I ran to my car as fast as I could, broke all types of speed limits as I prayed for the first time in my life that you were okay, that this was some kind of sick prank or that they had the wrong guy.

I arrived at the hospital and near enough had a panic attack as the woman typed in your name to tell me where in the massive hospital you were at that moment in time, each press of the keyboard felt like an eternity.

Finally, she told me where you were, I didn't take an elevator instead running up the stairs down the corridors as people gave me strange looks and sad looks like they knew something I didn't and a few staff members telling me to slow down.

Finally, I got to where you were kept and I still wasn't allowed to see you, you were in emergency surgery. A nurse sat me down trying to calm me down as the tears finally started full force as they kept me from you.

She filled me in on what was happening.

You had taken a big fall off some scaffolding, hit on your head on impact.

I could picture it all.

The nurse told me I should call your family.

The phone call to your sister was a blur, lots of crying as I tried to explain what I knew at that moment as she asked me thousands of questions I didn't have the answers for. She had offered to tell your mum and dad as she went to pick them up, I agreed on the spot not sure how to tell your parents the news.

My parents were on holiday that week and trying to get ahold of them took the whole time of your surgery, I had just told my mum you had an accident when the doctor appeared in front of me I hang up on my mum without a word as the doctors face said it all.

I had seen enough films and TV shows to learn when the doctor has good news or bad news.

I thought you were dead, I thought they weren't able to save you.

You had been placed into a coma because you had bleeding of the brain. I was taken to your private room where I sat holding your hand.

Not long later your sister and parents arrived, I had turned my phone off and my parents had been calling your them wanting to know what was happening while also trying to make arrangements to come back home as soon as they could.

I told them everything the doctor had told me, well as much as I could remember, I told them how you weren't going to wake up and we should say our goodbyes.

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