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Did you know about the last surprise?

I could never prepare myself for how hard it was going to be without you, you could have given me all the time in the world and I still wouldn't be ready. 

Two days later you finally took your last breath.

I was by your side holding your hand the whole time, I can't even remember when I finally let go. I know you were cold when I did.

Everyone was a mess, your parents were in the canteen with mine when you passed away we had been trying to force your mum into eating something. When you breath started to become shallow your sister ran to go get everyone, I knew you were waiting for everyone to leave the room so it could just be the two of us when you died.

They made it back a few seconds after you had died.

Your funeral took place two and a half weeks later, I played that song you always used to sing to me in the car.

I had been pretty ill since you had passed away, throwing up a lot and not to mention hardly getting any sleep because I couldn't get used to sleeping alone the cat and dog took to sleeping on your side of the bed, I think they thought they were helping. 

Your sister moved in and stayed in the guest room helping me with the arrangements that had to be made. She had to go home three days after your funeral, finally having to get back to work.

The fourth day after your funeral I left the house for the first time by myself, not because I had to make funeral arrangements or go view your body for the last time. 

Popped down to the local pharmacy.

Grabbed a pregnancy test.

Surprise, you're going to be a dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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