Chapter 11.

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Do you remember our first time together?

We had just gotten back to campus after telling our families and you were helping me bring my suitcase to my room, once in, there was a note from my roommate she had a family emergency and would text me when she knew when she would be coming back.

You had decided to stick around as we talked about the weekend and how well it had gone, you told me you said we had nothing to worry about as I shoved your shoulder and you grabbed my other hand pulling me onto my bed.

It's not like we hadn't made out before, having spent many hours in between classes going to whoever had a free room between the two of us but we had yet to go all the way.

Something about this time felt different from the start, you still waited for me to make the first move though even though I could tell you were dying to just take my top off you waited until I undone your belt buckle and unzipped your trousers, that was all you needed to know that I wanted to take this all the way.

My top came off and you must have kissed every inch of my skin that night as we sealed some sort of deal that this was going to last forever between us. 

I even remember watching a film with you a few months later it was some chick flick your sister had told me about, when they got to the sex scene he had made it special and made a big deal of it candles flowers the whole thing and you turned to me asking if I would have preferred it that way.

It didn't have to be super special or romantic for me to remember it, because as long it was you it would always mean something to me.

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