Chapter 4.

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Do you remember when I got accepted into the same university as you?

Just over a year and a half later, I was finally done with sixth form and had been accepted into the same university as you. Now don't think I only applied to that one because of you I applied to plenty it just so happened you went to one of the best universities, even your sister applied but didn't get in. 

She had phoned you to tell you the good news of where she had been accepted to and what one she was going to pick when she told you I was going to the same university as you, you had sent me a congratulations text.

When you had come back for summer you had brought along one of the university tops saying I got accepted along with a bear wearing the university's colours, along with your sister we had spent the day celebrating. 

Halfway through the summer holidays, I was at your house helping your sister with her packing, you had walked in the room just as we were talking about how much I had packed compared to your sister. It was at that moment you offered to drive me to university when it was time, I, of course, jumped at the chance of being in a four-hour car ride with you.

Do you know how long it took me to talk my parents into staying at home and allowing you to drive me down instead, my mum was hoping for one of those moments where she helped me set up my dorm and we both cried as she left. I pointed out how for her it would be an eight-hour drive in the heat with dad, she caved in.

I was dreaming of all the possible things that could happen in our car ride.

I started counting down the days, hours and minutes before the car ride.

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