Chapter 12.

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Do you remember our first fight?

That's the thing I can't remember what it was over or why it even started we were seven months into our relationship when it happened, I remember getting so upset I just had to walk away because I didn't want to cry in front of you.

I was hoping you would come after me telling me we were being silly but you didn't I looked back to see you walking in the opposite direction away from me... Away from us.

It was the first and only time I ever thought that maybe we weren't meant to be as the hours ticked on and I stayed in my room, checking my phone every few minutes for a missed call or text even though the sound was on and the phone went with me everywhere. Finally just as I had decided to come to your room and apologize I opened the door to find you.

Hand up ready to knock and in the other hand pizza, my favourite. We both apologise then made up with pizza and my roommate who after being paid off with a slice of pizza said she would give us an hour, she went out and we had makeup sex.

It wasn't our last argument, but after the first one, I knew that we would never break up over a silly thing that by the end of the day we were forgetting how it even started. If I was the one who came to you after a silly fight I would bring your favourite sweets or that one time after a pretty bad fight I surprised you with a lacy outfit.

If you came to me first it would be flowers or chocolates and puppy dog eyes that I could never say no too.

We are stronger than any argument.

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