Chapter 18.

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Do you remember the day the dog died?

I had gotten home from work first like normal and instead of the dog coming to check on who had arrived the cat was meowing like crazy in the bedroom, I knew something was wrong right then I dropped all my stuff, I didn't even shut the front door as I ran down the hall into the bedroom.

He was so still as the cat curled next to him, I didn't have to touch him or get any closer knowing he was already gone.

I ran into the kitchen to grab the closest house phone to call you only to remember as I reached the counter that we had packed it away in one of the moving boxes.

A moving box that we were going to take to our first house together, a house we had a mortgage on, something with a big enough garden for the old boy to enjoy the upcoming summer in. Where you would sneak him bits of meat off the barbecue.

Finally, I grabbed my mobile and rang you four times before you finally picked up, asking me what was wrong and if I was alright. You had assumed something had happened to me and was freaking out asking me questions as I was already a complete mess, I tried to explain something was wrong with our boy, you couldn't make heads or tails of what I was saying and told me to take a deep breath. 

Finally, you understood and told me you were coming home.

You must have driven so fast because instead of taking you fifteen minutes you were there in under ten.

You found me in the doorway of our bedroom my back against the doorframe with the cat in my lap who I had just settled down, my face was blotchy and puffy from all the crying I had already done and I could tell you had been crying as well.

You joined the two of us on the floor as we cried.

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