Chapter 20.

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Do you remember when you told me you wanted to start a family?

It was date night, you had cooked dinner and set out a table with a candle and flowers, the pets were put in the other room so we could be alone. For a split second, I thought I had forgotten an important date going as far as checking the calendar when you weren't looking.

You had said you just wanted to do something extra special.

It was during dessert and wine when you took a hold of my hand looked into my eyes and I thought you were about to tell me you were dying, heck you looked about ready to run out of the room and anyone would think you were about to propose if we weren't already married.

Then you told me you wanted to have kids.

It's not like we hadn't talked about it, we both wanted to have kids one day we just never talked about when, so when you asked I was surprised.

But I agreed, it wasn't like I were going to ever turn around and say no to you, the idea of having a child that was just like the both of us made me excited.

I went off the pill and when we was given the all clear we started trying.

At it like rabbits.

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