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  Luke's P.O.V

   "how long is she gonna sleep for" I groan "Luke. she didn't sleep at all on the plane, what did you expect? for her to go partying?" Michael said "Michael, don't sas me Mr. okay?" I said "Luke. you've sassed me a million more FUCKING TIMES SO I WOULD SHUT THE HELL IF I WERE YOU!!!!" Michael said. what crawled up his ass?

Lana's P.O.V

" FUCKING-" someone screamed... I tried to cut them off but they wouldn't stop all of the ducking yelling so I for up and walked toward the trail of fucking noise. when I finally entered the kitchen Michael had a posses off look on his face... I wonder who caused it... Luke. "What the ducking hell?" I said "Lana!" said Calum "Calum!" I said sarcastically " jeez" said Calum " I'm sorry Calum but someone's fucking screaming.g woke me from my slumber." I said. after I finished my statement Luke was pointing he index finger at Michael. "Michael. Why? hah? now I'm gonna be a cranky little fuck because I only have gained about 67% of my sleep back! okay. that means that I need to gain 33% more sleep! And I'm certainly not going to get any fucking sleep with you screaming!!!" I screamed... I felt bad now... "HAHAHA!!!" everybody started to laugh... but why? nothing I said was even close to funny. " What the fuck? why are you guys laughing at, this is a very serious topic?" I said "Lana, it stopped being serious once you said slumber. I mean come on and the look on your face... YOU LOOKED LIKE A FUCKING TOMATO!!!" laughed Luke. "I am prepared to severely hurt someone!!!" I said "Lana you couldn't even hurt a ducking spider after you read Charlotts web" said Luke " I slapped you. and I am prepared to do it again." I said. " go ahead and try. I dare you to. Lana banana" said Luke " I would but your not worth it." I proudly said. mostly because I was wrong and Luke was right, I couldn't hurt a fly. but I could still feel an urge to. "Face it Lana. you are a goody goody, and you will never ever hur-".said Luke but was cut of with my hand connecting to his cheek. after I did it  I regretted it. "WHAT THE HELL LANA!!! HE WAS JUST KIDDING!!!" screamed Michael. I could feel my face getting hotter and redder, like the tomato face they described that I had just had. but I didn't hit him that hard even, I just gave his cheek a little thwack. "I know I know it's just...he was egging me on." I tried to explain. this was so awkward.... " I'm sorry ugh just-" I said bit was cut off by the small giggles of Ashton... "HAHAHA!!!".they all were laughing. "Your Face!!!!" Calum said "you guys that was mean!!!" I said bit I could help but laugh at how stupid i must have looked. " okay. I mist go back to my slumber." I said "tee hee" laughed  Calum.

  when I got back to my room I couldn't sleep so I just put on anther shirt and put my hair in a fresh bun. when I found my purse I headed toward the kitchen. "What happened to your 33% left of slumber?" Michael asked as I enter the kitchen " I guess it has been tarnished. um I'm gonna go to wallgreens, I don't have a lot of make up sooo..." I said " I wanna go. me to. Same here.I guess I'll go as well." just like that me trip turned into a field trip. but it was fine I had to borrow someone's car to het there anyway. "umm I'll drive. but who's car are we taking?"   I asked "we could take mine here's my keys" said Ashton as he tossed me his car keys "alright let's go." I said

  when I started the car music started to blast through the speakers... I imideletly turned it down and changed the channel until I came upon a radical song "Don't" by Ed Sheeran. "Cheese and rice Ashton, why ya gotta blast the music like that?" I asked but yet, Ashton always blasts music. about a minute later everybody in the car was singing along to the music. " MAYBE YOU COULD SWING BUY MY ROOM AROUND TEN!!!!! BRING A LEMON AND A BOTTLE OF GIN, WELL BE IN BETWEEN THE SHEETS TILL THE LATE A.M" we all sang. when the some was over I checked the the clock in the car to see what time it was the digital "car clock" read 7:15. after to more turns we arrived at Wallgreens. I shut off the car and headed inside with the guys in back of me. when I got to the make up section I realized that I couldn't afford anything here... well shit, I need more fucking make up though. so I decided on the cheapest mascara and a duo of bronzer and blush.

when we got to the checkout, a very bitchy girl who looked incredibly familiar ring me up. " do I know you?" I said "yeah I'm tour cashier." she said... all of the guys were already rung up and watching her ring up my items. " okay. i was just-" and then I realized it was that bitch who Luke cheated on me with... shit. shit. shit. shit. " $12.46 is your total. how would you like to pay?" she asked "cash." I replied as bitterly as I could. I took the cash out of my wallet and slammed it onto the desk. she gave me a dirty look but she excepted it. "here you go." she said. she took the bag out and through my  $12.46 worth of make up on the floor. bitch. "umm Wallgreens peasant??? May o ask why you ever so fucking proudly through my bag on the ground?" I asked her "oh it slipped" she said ever so bitchily "oh the same as this?" I asked her as I slid her phone onto the ground... and then soon after realized that it was my phone that I had slide off the counter. "phaha" everyone laughed. but all I wanted to do was punch this bitch. but all I did was picked up my phone and make up and walked out of the store. as I entered the car everyone was still laughing... except me. "it's not that funny" I stated "uhhh yes it was" laughed Luke.

as the music blasted in the car. My thoughts were silent and full of embarrassment...


maybe I should call this "the embarrassment chapter" hahaha!

comment and tell me what you all thought!

xoxo Big Juels

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