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"who is it?" i asked "uhh Modern Designs Of Tomorrow." he said. Oh my God. "uhh okay here give me the phone." i said as Calum handed me the phone "hello?" i spoke into the phone "hi this is Carrie Rollith. i have a message about a job for Lana Benward." she said "im Lana Benward." i said oh hi Lana, well i have good news. you got the job!" she said "oh y gosh reallly? thank you so much i just wow. thank you so much! i said. finally i would have an official job. wow, i would be a buisiness woman... sort of. "well i also called because i need your  curent address, so i could send you your scheldual and paychecks and stuff like that," she said "oh okay its uhh 1258 Shepporton ave. in Victoria Austrailia." i said into the reciver "okay thank you, you start next Monday." she said and then the line went dead. "Calum!" i yelled "what!" he said "i got the job!!!" i screamed so the entire house could hear. ahhh!!! oh my gosh!!!" he said running towards me. he imbraced me in a hug. and soon after so did Michael and Ashton. but Luke just stayed in his prissy mood and galeranted around alone in his room. "congrats!!!" said Ashton. Lukes an ass. the least he could do is say congrats and then walk away. but nooo! i return of me being a good person, hes an ass to me. wow, i have no words right now. "where were you going?  saw you heading out when they called?" asked Calum "oh i was gonna walk to that antique place down the road." i said "oh well, you can take my car." said Calum  "oh no please its not a far walk i can walk less than a mile. hell i could run there. i am a pretty fast runner." i said "yeah. but i think i the fastest runner in the group." said Ashton with a huge smile on his face "uhh no. i am." i said plainly "okay. fine after you go the that creepy store, we will go to the old track at the high school and race around it once." he said "ohhh, we all could run around it." said peppy Calum "finee." I said gragging the word on to long "okay. well im getting my chicken." i said and walked toward the antuique shop. 

i walked into the shop and saw the couple walk toward me. "Lana Benward. former shopper. have you put any consideration into molding your face?" asked the woman "uhh no i have not... unfortunetly, i just came here to shop." i said and walked away from the psycotic couple. and towards the books. ... i spotted an old copy of Pride And Prejudice. i wanted this. the price tag read $5.45. i shall get this. i pulled it off  the shelf and headed toward the cash register. i rang the bell and in came the couple. "oh wise Lana chooses Pride And Prejudice, have you ever you ever read it?" asked the husband " yes. a total 13 times." i said "hah!'' said the wife. ''what?" i asked "nothing, i didnt say anything did you? cause i hear voices all the time. have you considered getting your face molded? if you do we could do a free ouija session." said the wife "no, i havent thought about it. never have never will."  siad and handed the man a $10 bill "keep the change." i said and took the book and ran out of the store. 

i entered the house heavily breathing. hey Lana. ohh whatge ya get?" said Calum "a book. they asked me to get a face mold again! they were talking serious this time. they said would give me frikn ouija session." i said and headed toward the kitchen for some water since i sprinted home in fear. i grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "when are we goona go?" said Calum "calm down. i need to put on different clothes." i said "this s fine." said Calum "uhh no im putting on leggings and a comfortable top." i said and walked towards my room. ths race was so stupid, but Calum was really excited about it so i will do t for Calum, and prove to everyone that i will kick their asses in this race. i pulled out my clothes and changed quickly. 

we pulled up to the old school. and got out of the car. i walked toward the track. it was empty. perfect. "ALRIGHT!!! LANA YOU GO HERE LUKE HERE ME AND THEN ASHTON!" said Calum "when i say go!" "ready-set-...GO!" said Calum. i sprinted off as fast i could. Luke was gonna catch up, i know it. i was panting hard, i felt like i was gonna barf at any given moment.  but i held it in, i was never on the stupid track team but i the coach said i should, but i was to busy with my designs and reaading for running. i was almost their, i swear they made the track bigger, fuck i was fucking tired. i am almost there, almost thereeeee, im there, i finished i won yeah shit ah huh! whoah! soon after Luke finished. i forgot how tireing running laps was. i feel bad for the students here. "nice job Benward." said Luke "same to you H." i said and then collapsed on the track floor, in tiredness. "can we go now? please?" i said "alright but we are gonna hve a rematch someday." said Calum as we towards the car. "wheres Michae?" asked Ashton still running." i said "hey wait! dont leave with out me you fuckers. im your ride! he yelled running out of the track.


okay hope you enjoyed. well yeah. make sure to stay fab, because certain people could snatch it hehe. okay im sweating a lot right now. and my dog is kaying on top of me... 

xoxo Big Juels

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