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I slam the front door of my parents house and sit down on the ground steps and just cry. how could someone's mother say that to their own daughter. I stared at the perfect mulch and the perfect flowers. that house was perfect but the people in it would never be close to perfect. I got up and walked over to the flowers and start to kick the mulch around and pull the flowers out of the ground. I here the ground door open and close. "Lana. I'm sorry I should have known that she didn't change. I'm sorry we forced you to come here." said Michael "I don't really care. I guess that I know that no matter what in so that woman will never love me." I said "I just don't under stand why she hates you so much." said Ashton "she hates me because I'm not perfect. and because I'm a designer instead of a lawyer or a doctor." I said to inform the four curious boys. "I'm sorry." said Calum "it's fine I just want to get the hell out of here." I said  "alright." said Michael. when I got in the car I sat in the front seat and looked out the window as my house got smaller and smaller as we grove farther away from it.

I slammed the car door and walked up to the front door. once Michael opened it I ran to my room and took a shower... a long one. a 47 minute one. I guess I thought that if I had scrubbed hard enough I would wash away all the pain and guilt and hate. but I couldn't do that. I got out of the shower with raccoon eyes. I had forgotten to take off my make up. so I washed my face and walked into my room to find all four guys sitting on my bed... a little weird but I won't judge. "hi?" I said "we just wanted to check on you and see if you were okay. considering what happened tonight." said Ashton "yeah you  moms a real bitch." said Luke. he was right. she was a bitch. " Yeah. she is. imagine growing up with her..." I said "yeah. well are you okay?" said Michael "nope. she'll probably sell all of my art supplies in a yard sale or something." I said "I'm sorry. maybe we could go over their and get it for you. said Calum "no. okay nobody is going back their. ever." I said "okay we'll let you change. and we have something for you on the kitchen." said Ashton "okay. thanks for checking on me. I really appreciate it." I said as they left the room. once I put on some clothes I headed towards the kitchen. when I walked in I saw some DVDs and some junk food. "what's all this?" I asked "remember when we used to make those videos in high school? well we dug them out and we are gonna watch them."said Michael "you still have these?" I said "yeah..." said Calum "alright well im dying to see them." I said as we walked to the living room.

~in the video~

me and Luke were making out on the white carpet in my basement when Calum stuck a camera in my face. "What the hell dude?" said Luke. I just laughed and connected outbound together again. "LANA! are you doing your homework?" said my mother. "Yeah. I'm deep into the mouth of something really amazing right now. so I'd help if I could just concentrate." I said. "alright. are your friends staying for dinner again?" she asked me "uhh you guys staying?" I asked them "what's for dinner?" asked Ashton "What's for dinner!?" I asked "shrimp alfreado. with garlic bread." she responded "yes please!" said Michael "yeah!" I said "okay!" she said. after that me and Luke got back to making out. "you know you could go in a room." said Calum "were already in one." I said "true." said Michael "alright. I. gonna snoop through your design room." sadi michael "okay. just dont touch anything. you tend to be a clutz." replied. after that Michael walked into the small room with drawinga coering the walkks, and scetchpads piling up on the corner of a desk. "ive never seen your design room." said luke "okay then lets see it." i said as we got up off the carpet and walked into my small design room. "wow." said luke " what? its just a romm." i said "a room full of rad." he said. whenever i showed people this room thenwould always be in aw because of how cool they thought it was. but i didnt really see it, because at the end of the day its just walls with paper attatched to them. "wow. how many sketch pads have you used up?" said luke "about 37." i said "wow. thats a lot. i mean i know you sketch but i didnt know this much." he said "well i would sketch during school and lunch and around." i said. it was true, i was obsessed with sketching... "dinners ready!" said my mother. "okay. lets go eat." i said                      ~end of video~

i was in aw of how much me and Luke really liked each other. i would have never thought we would end up sworn enemies. "well that was an interesting blast to the past." i said "yeah i mean. wow." said ashton "i cant believe you and Luke used to make out that much." said Calum "oh you know much we made out. you were all at my house every day." i said "well your house is really rad." said Michael "i guess so." i said " yeah. well im gonna go back to my room now." said Luke "why its one 10:46." said calum "cause i feel Luke it." he replied moodily and then left the room. "do you think the video got to him?" said Michael "i don't know..." i said "Lana maybe you should go check on him. hes being like this because of you and him." said Ashton "so you guys are his friends. im not." i said "yeah but your were his girl friend.  go check on him." said calum "fine. but if he starts pulling out the swears i am leaving." i said and got up off the couch and headed toward Lukes room. there was Luke sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone. -knock-knock-knock. "who is it?" said Luke "its me." i said :be a little more specific please." he said "luke you know who it is. I'm coming in." i said and opened the door. "what are you doing here?" he said "they wanted m to check on you to see if you were okay." i said "well im fab. so you can go now." he said "luke i know you're not fine. and you know it too. so whats wrong?" i asked him, hoping he would answer truthfully and finally put his guard down. "nothings wrong. okay Lana?" he said "fine don't tell me." i  said. "im telling you that I'm fine okay? now get the fuck out of my room." hes said "i know somethings wrong. and you know how i know? because i dated you for 4 years. and i know when somethings wrong. so if you think your fooling me, or anybody in this matter youre wrong." i said and slammed the door andn walked to my room and decided to just go to sleep. my head was ful of thoughts about luke tha night.


hey,  comment and tell me what you thought. yeah. okay. well stay 49% fab and 51% rad my friends.

xoxo Big Juels

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