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My last interview was today, and I really had to get this job so I put on a new dress that I had designed. it was a tight knee length floral dress. I walked out of my room and toward the kitchen. "Hey. last interview hah?" said Michael "yeah. in hope I get it." I said "who's car am I taking?" I asked "uhh take mine." said Michael "okay. thanks." I said as he tossed me his keys and I walked out of the house.

I pulled up into the parking lot of  Modern Design Of Tomorrow and walked toward the ground door. the building was all white with very colorful paintings hung all over the walls. I walked up to the receptionists desk. "hi I'm Lana Benward. I have an interview with the C.E.O of the company." I said as she typed away on her computer. "okay Lana, room 5C." she said " thank you." I said "good luck." she said. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button labled three. once I pressed the button I felt the elevator going up flight by flight. I heard a ding and the automatic doors opened to a hall with many rooms. I walked until I saw the one labled 5C.I knocked on the door and heard someone yell "come in.". I opened the door to an enormous office with a huge desk. "did you bring a portfolio?" she asked "uh yes here." I said as I handed her my portfolio. "please sit." she said. but it felt more like an order. " very impressive. I mean I really don't care about age, but for your young age you seem very experienced and responsible. but I must ask. have you ever doubted the fashion industry. and being in it?" she asked "No. I have wanted to be in design since I could pick up a pencil. and design is a major part of my life, and this job would make this more amazing then it already  is." I said "well you know. I'll have my receptionist call you if you got the job. okay? but I think it's safe yo say that you might get this job." she said "oh thank you so much Mrs. Rollith I really appreciate it." I said "okay. well may I keep this portfolio?" she asked "oh yes of course." I said as I walked out the door. oh Lord... I think I have a job. ahhh!!! this is so exciting. I decided to call the home phone. "Hello?" said a voice " I think in hot the job!!!" I said not caring who was on the other side of the line "I don't give a crap.  but you can celebrate by getting me Wendys you dip shit." Luke said and then hung up. but I didn't care he couldn't ruin my happiness. I skipped into the elevator like a child high on a tootsie pop.

I walked into Wendys, cause after Luke mentioned it I realized how hungry i was. I waited in line already knowing what I was going to get. I can't believe a Wendys is this fucking crowded at 10:30 a.m... "Lana?" someone said as I turned around to see who had said my name. "Lana. it really is you." the man said "uh do I know you?" I said " yeah. it's me Blake Sheminski!from high school?" He said. and all.of a sudden it all came back to me. he was like my best friend before the guys were. "Blake! oh my God! I can't believe it's you! wow how long has it been like 7 years now?" I said "yeah. wow. now I feel. old.." he said "oh hold on I said I said my order to the clerk. after she handed me the receipt I walked over to Blake. "do you wanna eat your food with me?" I asked " sure. we could catch up."

I sucked my straw a little more until I had something to say. "do you remember the time that we made out in the janitors closet and we got fought by another couple... who wanted to have a foursome with us." after I said that we broke out in laughter "shit. I need to go. but do want my number. in case if you get struck under a mushroom or. anything like that?" I asked him "yeah okay here." he said as he wrote down his phone number on a napkin. " alright. bye it was nice seeing you." I said. we had a quick hug and we both left.

I walked in through the firing door and ran into the kitchen. to find Luke I gave him the empty Wendys bag and ran to Michael's room. "THANKS BITCH!" Luke yelled "YOU'RE WELCOME MAN WHORE!!!" I replied and shut the door to Michael's room. "I have exciting g news okay so I much have the job. might means I probably will. and when I was at Wendy's I bumped into Blake." I said "Hot Blake?" said Michael "Hot Blake." I said "are you too gonna go on a date?" He said "I don't know. but I want to." I admitted "o have to go and gossip." he said as Luke walked into the room with a mad look on his face. "What crawled up your ass?" I said as I laid down on the bed "well certainly not Wendys." he said as he sat on the bed "what's Michael doing?" Luke asked "gossiping about my possible date with Blake." I said "who the hells Blake?" He asked harshly "Blake was my old friend from high school ya Jackass!" I said just as harshly "well he'll probably blow you off." he said "no he won't. it might surprise you to know that some people find me attractive." I said "that'll be the day. you look like an awkward troll right now." he said. that hurt. "uhh no I'm not. and you dated me for four years so I'd shut up if I were you." I said " those four years sucked Lana." he said "well you sucked at kissing." I said "go fuck your self cause nobody else will." he said and walked out of the room. "I walked into the kitchen and got a bowl of water and walked into Luke's room. once I spotted him on the bed I threw the water at him. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" he screamed I ran away into my room. a couple seconds later Luke walked in with a can of whipped cream. "Luke don't do it." I said calmly "why should I not?" He said "because..." I said but Luke sprayed me until I was covered in whipped cream. "YOU DICK WAD!!!" I screamed. shit. this was the only dress I really liked. it was the one I made too. shit. I ran into Luke and smeared the whipped cream on him. "hahahaha!!!" I laughed "are we done now?" He asked "yehess!" I said as he walked out of the room. after that I took a shower.

I walked out of the shower and toward my dresser. I took out some yogas and a sweater from my old high school. I realized that I barely had any clothes for my job... if I even got the job. I walked to Michael room after getting dressed. "I need to go shopping Michael. I have only two dresses... not good. not good at all." I said "well you should go Saturday." he said "can you come with and so can Ashton and Calum." I said "sure." he said. installed out of his room and into the living room. I turned on the tv and changed the channel to lifetime. I watched the demented and pshycotic movie when Ashton walked in. "Hey." I said "hey. whatcha watchin?" He asked "oh this crazy movie uh The Surrogacy Trap." I said "I love this movie. it's incredibly stupid but still." he said " okay. did you here about my possible date with Blake?" I asked Ashton as I cuddled with him "yeah. he seemed  a little sketchy in high school but he grew on me I guess." he said "sketchy how?" I asked "well during lunch I fought him starring at you a lot. and I fought him writing your name in his biology book one time. and I think is as a picture of you in his locker... I don't know  if it means something or." he said "what would this mean? that he stalked me. or that he's a repest? what if he locks me in a storage locker and and attempts murder but decided to rape me instead?" I said "he won't do that okay? it was high school. he's probably over you." he said. I bet Ashton was right. we continued to watch the movie until I fell asleep.


I know. haven't updated in a while but I've been reading Black Ice. ahhh!!! it's so good. you guys should read it. okay well I just came up with a good idea for a future chapter and I don't know it's pretty gerdd. I just watched finding carter so filing amazing. just vote and comment and then go and watch it.

'\(°=°)/' ~this took me five frikn minutes so appreciate the radness of it.

xoxo Big Juels


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