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Lukes P.O.V

  i glanced at the clock 4:53 a.m. i was sitting here for a few hours. they took her away. so i am alone in an empty room by myself. completely. Lana was the only thing that mattered now shes gone. i was the cause of it. i was the cause of it all. her rape. her death. everything. I'm a bastard. i don't deserve to live anymore.

Michaels P.O.V

i walked into the house. i spotted Lana's heels on the floor. she was perfectly fine. healthy. and now shes dead. i sucked in the tears that were rolling down my cheeks and swallowed them down. i got up and walked to Lana's room. i spot a card on her desk. it was from the company she was working at. i opened it, the letter read "Lana, we have carefully looked at your work. we all agree it is amazing. after careful consideration we agree you should be at a more suitable level in your career, we will be promoting you to head editor and chief of the design executives in design. we all congratulate you, someday you will have a business of your own. this is only the beginning Lana. - Modern Design Of Tomorrow." Lana was getting promoted. she died before she found out. i gulped down what felt like a huge rock. i looked in the mirror and saw i had black watered down eyes. i started to cry again. i fell on Lana's bed. i was tired but i didn't want to go to sleep. i wish Lana was here.

Ashtons P.O.V

 i keep thinking this is a dream. i keep kicking and pinching myself to wake up. but i only get bruises no good outcomes. i probably looked like a hobo. pinching myself and breathing heavily.

i haven't seen any of the boys, especially Luke since our meet up at Lana's room. they said it was his fault for corrupting Lana's heart. but Michael and Calum are just mad. it wasn't his fault. it was nobody's fault.

Calums P.O.V

i walk into the small convenience store and walk to the counter. " a pack of Marlboro please. " i said. the sales person slide the pack of cigarettes to me. i slammed the money of the counter and left.

i sat down on the side of the building. i struck the match on the carton it came from and lit the cigarette. i sucked in the musky smoke and breathed it out slowly. i hadn't smoked since high school. i looked up at the sky it was barely 5 am yet. i didn't know where any of the guys were. and to be honest at this point i really don't have any interest in the subject. Lana would have helped me with this subject, if she were still "around", i guess is the word i should use in this fucked up case.

Lukes P.O.V

i look down and all i see are cars and moving people in a moving city. the air caressed my face as my heart complemented it with its fast beats. people say dying is the worst when you have people in your life that you care for the most. and since Lana's gone, and the guys pretty much hate me i see no reason to believe that anymore. i looked around me. the ledge i chose to jump off of was quit high. i guess it will insure me that i will die today. so i see no more reasons to be afraid of death. i  now see reasons to be happy and drift away peacefully in a blissful manner.

Calums P.O.V

i walk back into the hospital. my clothes smell of smoke. when i was driving back i got to thinking of what is going to happen after this? obviously it will be fucked up. i think i might get my own place. but i don't want to move, i really just want to go back to having a house with my friends and splitting the rent in five ways. that had us each paying like only $200 a month. i pull out my phone and walk into a room and call Michael. it rings four times and then he picks up. "calum." he said "Michael." i said back to him "where are you?" he asked "at the hospital. you?" i said "home." he said. i laugh. "that's not home Michael. not any more." i said "i know." he said "do you know where luke is?" i asked "No." he said "Ashton?" i asked "No." he said "what do you think is going to happen after all of this blows over?" he asked "i don't know. I'm pretty sure all of wont be on the best speaking terms." he said "yeah that's true." i said "okay well i have to go." he said. before the line went dead i heard a door close.

i look around the room I'm in. it is full of chemicals. i see a carton of needles full of serum. i pick one up. its clear. i look more closely. then i look at the box i picked it up from. it was labeled Naltrexone. that made you sleep. i haven't slept in 36 hours. but i knew if i went to sleep i would wake up and think it was all a dream until somebody tells me it isn't. i slam the vile on the floor and smash it with my foot. i do the same with the others and walk out of the small closet i had condemned myself in.


heyyyo. okay so we are almost at the end of the story and i just want to thank every single reader for all of the support. wheather youre on chapter 2 or chapter 30 i still love you all. you give me the inspiration to write and i want to thank you all for that. it didnt really hit me until i read all of the amazing comments you guys left and i really appreciate you all. have a swell day.

xoxo Big Juels

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