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"get in the fucking car right now. or I'm gonna run you over." Said Luke after he said I turned around so that I could face him "why did you pick me up anyway Luke?" I asked CAUSE I still have yet to find out that answer "uhh the guys said to pick you up and I'm th  only one who knew the way sooo..." said Luke "Your lying I know when your lying and your doing it right now so unless you tell me why you picked me up than-" I said but was cut off be Luke "The fuck Lana just get in my mother fucking car or I'll leave" Luke said "fine but I'm still expecting an answer" I said "Alright Lana you know why I picked you up? Cause unlike you I didn't want you to die while walking 7 frikn miles to get to a charity house run by me and my friends. okay? And I don't really think you should be questioning why I picked you up alright you are a real bitch Lana. you called me and said to pick you up an  I did. and I don't even get a thank you l. yo  know what I got though I got questioned for no fucking reason alright so do me a favor okay? SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE!!!" Luke said. and he was right I should have thanked him for driving all the way here to pick me up. "I'm sorry Luke okay? you're right. I am personally blessed that you drove 3 frikn miles to pick up your ex girlfriend." I said "your welcome" he said in response... the rest of the drive was silent.

"thank you for the ride." I said to Luke as I got out of the car and entered the house. "Calum?" I said " yeah?" He said in reply "your car broke down so Luke gave me a ride." I said "oh it's fine it happens all the time uhh where is it?" He said "its at the creek" said Luke as he closed the front door."Oh so is that far or?" said Calum "it's 7 miles away so it's pretty far" I said "ohhh well um Micheal and I  could drive and we could figure out what's wrong with it." said Calum "oh okay..." I said " Alright well I'm just gonna go to my room now and do things." I said and walked away. when I entered my room I turned on my phone and played Flappy Bird for an hour.  -knock-knock-knock- "come in" I said at the other side of the door was Calum who entered my room. "Lana this happens to my car all the time it's not your fault" he said "no no no Calum it's not that. it's just Luke said something to me in the car but I totally forgot about it." I said "oh okay, well if you need anything we're here for ya." he said "thanks"  I said " Alright well l leave you to it then" he said as he exited the room. I got off the bed and went to my suitcase and pulled out my design pad and started to sketch some new designs. "Lana make dinner I'm starving!" screamed Michael "no I'm sketching!!!" I yelled back "  but I'm hungry!" he said back "well I'm sketching at the moment" I said " well so it later"he said "no I'm having a break through!" I said "but I'm starving!" Michael whined " No!" I said "I'll do it later okay?" I said "fineee" he said. I hadn't sketched in a long time. I stopped after being turned down at a design agency. I was at a really high point in my life where I didn't care about anything else but design. My entire world revolved around it. when they turned me down I just stopped doing what i loved the most because they said I wasn't good enough and should do something else. Luke got me this sketch pad for my 16th birthday. as I poured my heart out into the picture the door opened. "you finished?" Michael said "almost" I said "how much longer?" He said "I'm done how does it look?" I said as I gave the pad to Michael " Lana this is amazing! GUYS GET IN HERE!" he said "Michael!" I said as all of the guys came in. as he showed them the design I had drawn the only thing Luke stared at was me... it was the only design pad I had what was I supposed to do? Throw it away? "Its nothing really. it's just a drawing." I said "Lana. this is amazing. it's not just a drawing, you should show this to a design company or something." said Ashton "well I don't have the best with design companies sooo..." I said "Lana you only got one rejection. you shouldn't have that turn you down." I said "Yeah and you know why? because I'm a bad designer. this isn't something that a design company hasn't seen over a thousand times." I said "so. it's really good." Calum said "and these other designs I mean they're really good too what's this one?" said Michael "oh this one? yeah well I wanted to do a twist on business attire because it's so boring so I pared a pencil skirt with a rolling stones crop top and a blazer with stelletoes... I know it's silly but I tried it on and its really radical." I said "well I would like to see it." said Calum "fine" I pulled out the clothes and shoes out of my luggage and went to the bathroom. ... when I was finished putting it on the heals i was wearing made 6 inches taller. as I got out of bathroom they were still looking at my designs. "this is it." I said to get their. "Lana. your fucking hot." said Ashton "the pencil skirt has that effect." I said "I mean I'll never where it because I'm such a numb I'm to lazy to look for a job. soo..." I said "IDEA!!! I think that you should get an interview with a design company and where... THAT!!!! And if it's a guy well he'll hire you for sure!" said Calum "sure. but do you know any openings at any major design companies in a walking range? Cause I don't have a car or any references."I said " hey! you where in the school paper with your design thingy" said Michael "true. I'll look for some jobs. okay? now i will make you some food Michael" I said.


I have a really good idea for a future chapter I'll I'm tellin you is it involves rape. tell what you thought of this chapter.

xoxo Big Juels

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