The Start of Everything

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How the hell do three girls from the streets of new york beat three of the avengers? Good question. The story is actually pretty funny. It starts on the streets of New York. A girl named Charlotte was hanging up a poster in front her mom's bakery.

"To the right." Another girl said. Her name was Mia. Her and Charlotte had been friends for years, their relationship was so strong that nothing could come between the two of them, or could it?

Before we go on a little bit about Charlotte. She was only 5'2 and her long hair covered her face most of the time. She was quiet yet a ball of sass when needed. She was also a total nerd which made her even more love able. Ok back to the story (clears throat) sorry

"Ok two seconds ago you said to the left make up your mind." She laughed standing on her tippy toes on a chair that was not perfectly balanced on the cement sidewalk.

"Maybe if you would wouldn't move so much-"

"I'm short I get it." Charlotte laughed.

Ok pause again. Mia is quite different from Charlotte. She is more out there and care free. She doesn't care what people think and is willing to do anything. She is the most intelligent of the group by far, ok sorry again

"Ok don't move it's perfect." Mia said. Charlotte began hang it up when someone flew right into her and went flying onto the ground. Charlotte quickly looked down to see the one and only Spider-Man.

"I'm sorry are you ok?" He asked still on the ground.

"I should be asking you the same question, you are the one on the ground." Charlotte said jumping off the chair.

"Ok let me ask another question, why am I the one on the ground? How are you so strong?" He asked.

"Or you are just incredibly light." She said.

"I'm going to go with why are you so strong?" He asked.

"Hey you're that spider dude right?" Mia asked chiming into the conversation.

"Spider-Man yes, and I'm actually apart of the avengers now." He said proudly.

"Here let me help you up." Charlotte said putting out her hand.

"No don't worry random civilian I am ok." He said making his voice deeper.

"Ok it's kind of too late for the cool voice." Charlotte smiled. As he stood up he really got to see her face. He slightly stumbled back right into Mia.

"Woah watch yourself spidey dude." Mia said pushing him back.

"Are you guys superheroes?" He asked.

"Us superheroes? Nope just normal people trying to get through life." Charlotte said. He paused as he noticed he was staring right at Charlotte.

"You ok spidey?" Mia asked.

"W-what? Oh yeah totally. Listen I have to go but I hope to see you both again." He said and flew off.

"It's not every day you get to meet a superhero nerd." Mia laughed.

Meanwhile a third girl was walking down the street when she heard a noise.

"Who's there?" She asked quickly turning around.

"Sorry! It's really not my day today." Peter said standing up.

"Oh I know you, you're Spider-Man right?" She asked.

"Yeah that's me." He said.

"Well I won't keep you any longer. Have fun saving the world." She said and walked off.

"Hey look who it is, lazy Danielle finally got out of bed." Mia said.

"Listen I'm not in the mood. I just saw Spider-Man wipe out I'm good for the day be happy I came here to see you." She said sitting down.

"Oh yeah he was drooling over Charlotte." Mia laughed.

"Was not." Charlotte said.

"Trust me you'll get nowhere with her, she tends to friend zone people so I'd give up now." Danielle said.

"You guys do know I'm right here. Plus you
Couldn't even see where he was looking which that mask on. Who knows what he really looks like anyway." Charlotte said standing on the chair again.

"I just realized...... if they were together...think about it....her name is could say...charlottes web...." Danielle laughed and Mia joined in.

"Ok I hate both of you." Charlotte said getting off the chair.

"By the way it's still too far to the left." Mia said.

"I will hit you and I'm not afraid to." Charlotte said.

"Mr. Stark! Ok I know you said I shouldn't talk to you during the day unless it was important but I swear this time it really is important." Peter said running into the building.

"Oh here we go again." Bucky said to himself who was sitting at a table on one side of the room

"Ok is it the cat in the tree or something about some pop culture thing?" Tony asked.

"No! I ran into this girl-"

"Oh no no no not girl problems. Look kid Im willing to look after you but there is no way I'm helping you with girls." Tony interrupted.

"No it's not that. I full on flew into her yet I was the one who ended up on the ground. How is that possible?" Peter asked.

"Peter you aren't the strongest person..." Bucky said beginning to pay attention to the conversation.

"What are you trying to say kid? You think she has some super power?" Tony asked.

"I don't know, but I think we should bring them here." He said.

"Oh there is more than one." Bucky said.

"Oh sure let's just have an open house at the tower why don't we?" Tony asked.

"Come on what if I'm right this time?" Peter asked.

"When are you ever right?" Bucky asked.

"Look I don't know what they could do but, you gave me a chance, and we could really use some more people."
Peter said.

"Yes random girls will be a great asset to the team." Bucky said.

"Bucky who invited you into this conversation?" Peter asked.

"My answer is no kid, move on it was probably just a fluke." Tony said and walked away.

But Peter wasn't going to give up. He wanted to know why those two girls he met were so different. He was going to get them to the tower one way or another.

*first chapters are always the worst and I'm half asleep so who knows if this story is even good but hopefully it works out. Hope you enjoyed and sorry for typos. More to come if it works out I'm just trying something new*

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