Learning to live a new life

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It was a few days later and they all got settled in Danielle and Bucky's house. Bucky continued to keep his promise and didn't wear his metal arm. Charlotte was able to move around with a cane after Bucky helped her move her one arm. It wasn't much but she could get around. Peter kept his distance. Until one day Charlotte was alone at the table looking at something on her laptop.

"Hey." He said softly.

"Hey, I've missed you." She smiled.

"Really? I mean are you ok? You look pretty messed up." He asked nervously.

"Yeah I'm getting around. It could be worse I guess. So why have you been keeping your distance?" Charlotte asked.

"Charlotte you missed it Bucky just face planted. This is why you should be outside getting some fresh air it's good for you." Steve said walking into the house and grabbing a bottle of water.

"I'll be out in a minute. Please try not to hurt yourself since you don't have an adults supervision." Charlotte said.

"Do you even know how old I am?" Steve asked unscrewing the lid of his water bottle.

"Yes but who knows what goes on in that brain of yours." Charlotte laughed.

"I'll tell ya not much." Steve smiled.

"My point exactly." Charlotte said.

"Hey Charlotte physical therapy at two so be ready." Bucky said walking into the house.

"Got it." Charlotte said.

"Did you get me a water like I asked?" Bucky asked Steve.

"Like I said nothing goes on in my Brain." Steve said standing up and handing him a water bottle.

"Oh I can't help you unscrew that-" Steve started to say but Bucky easily unscrewed it with one hand and chugged half of the bottle.

"What?" Bucky asked as Steve stared at him.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Steve said walking back outside. Bucky shook his head and walked back outside.

"Im sorry peter what were we talking about?" Charlotte asked.


"Charlotte Mia is in a mood again." Chris said walking into the room.

"Ok and you are telling me this why?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't know I feel like it's a girl thing." He said crossing his Arms.

"Sorry but if she is upstairs like she always is then I can't help you." She said.

"Fine..." Chris complained and walked away.

"I'll just talk to you later." Peter sighed and walked off.

Meanwhile tony was outside fixing the hole he put in the porch so long ago.

"I see you are still working." Danielle laughed walking outside.

"I'm old get over it." Tony said.

"Also I'm not a farmer." She said.

"I'll have my opinions and you'll have yours." He said.

Mia was sat upstairs flipping through one of her books she has read a thousand times.

"Ok I'm here tell me your feelings." Chris said walking into the room.

"Excuse me?" She laughed.

"Since we got here you have been so quiet, what's up?" He asked.

"You wouldn't understand. No one would." Mia sighed.

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